




Hráč měsíce FiveM S1 Říjen 2024


Stats tracked in contest

Gaming time

Game server



1st place: 500 Tokens 2nd place - 3rd place: 250 Tokens 4th place - 10th place: 100 Tokens 11th place - 20th place: 50 Tokens
Start: 01/10/2024 End: 31/10/2024 Already over
niCe niCe 01/10/2024

Odehrajte nejvíce hodin na serveru a buďte hráčem měsíce! Ze soutěže budou automaticky vyřazeni hráči, kteří jsou často vyhazováni za neaktivitu.

Participating players

1 Alfic159 Alfic159 501 hours and 59 minutes
Won 1st place!
2 Kally Kally 455 hours and 15 minutes
Won 2nd place!
3 Biron Biron 455 hours and 11 minutes
Won 3rd place!
4 Berny Berny 454 hours and 16 minutes
Won 4th place!
5 Garryss Garryss 433 hours and 47 minutes
Won 5th place!
6 petrys petrys 433 hours and 43 minutes
Won 6th place!
7 Fido100 Fido100 406 hours and 36 minutes
Won 7th place!
8 Timotiso Timotiso 396 hours and 22 minutes
Won 8th place!
9 little little 372 hours and 46 minutes
Won 9th place!
10 HenTenCZ HenTenCZ 310 hours and 49 minutes
Won 10th place!
11 otorinolaryngolog otorinolaryngolog 274 hours and 7 minutes
Won 11th place!
12 seataak seataak 273 hours and 18 minutes
Won 12th place!
13 Nikoli Nikoli 249 hours and 20 minutes
Won 13th place!
14 zunmbvc zunmbvc 231 hours and 38 minutes
Won 14th place!
15 Skopi Skopi 227 hours and 31 minutes
Won 15th place!
16 marden marden 222 hours and 4 minutes
Won 16th place!
17 Dart Dart 220 hours and 27 minutes
Won 17th place!
18 NeroVito NeroVito 217 hours and 56 minutes
Won 18th place!
19 mlok mlok 213 hours and 1 minute
Won 19th place!
20 apsdgdsgdsa apsdgdsgdsa 212 hours and 9 minutes
Won 20th place!
21 drexcz drexcz 210 hours and 18 minutes
22 Charlie01 Charlie01 205 hours and 59 minutes
23 pekobeko pekobeko 191 hours and 38 minutes
24 tada87 tada87 189 hours and 49 minutes
25 Vajen1 Vajen1 186 hours and 38 minutes
26 HansTaube HansTaube 185 hours and 51 minutes
27 Bowiq Bowiq 177 hours and 53 minutes
28 PlataCZ PlataCZ 164 hours and 33 minutes
29 kercher kercher 162 hours and 27 minutes
30 kiffy kiffy 161 hours and 56 minutes
31 PatrikH9990 PatrikH9990 159 hours and 32 minutes
32 Brody03 Brody03 155 hours and 31 minutes
33 LilMorty LilMorty 150 hours and 2 minutes
34 Catto Catto 146 hours and 56 minutes
35 mirekjeborec12 mirekjeborec12 143 hours and 38 minutes
36 KanyeWest777 KanyeWest777 135 hours and 30 minutes
37 vojtrex vojtrex 135 hours and 5 minutes
38 RedWolfTex RedWolfTex 134 hours and 48 minutes
39 MangeFuk MangeFuk 132 hours and 15 minutes
40 Peepa Peepa 131 hours and 46 minutes
41 FilipCZE3 FilipCZE3 131 hours and 38 minutes
42 Coffeee Coffeee 129 hours and 1 minute
43 PVPKM19 PVPKM19 128 hours and 36 minutes
44 TimG TimG 128 hours and 29 minutes
45 Medvedz Medvedz 125 hours and 23 minutes
46 fotbal41 fotbal41 124 hours and 53 minutes
47 KulisakkSK KulisakkSK 123 hours and 2 minutes
48 DavidV7 DavidV7 120 hours and 35 minutes
49 Hagridek Hagridek 119 hours and 36 minutes
50 nevimasinic nevimasinic 119 hours and 14 minutes

Comments (2)

Biron Film maker Level 192 31/10/2024 11:47 PM
Jestli se to za 13 min zas u mě zaktualizuje blbě, tak mi fakt jebne ty vole. 😂

EDIT: No hurá, nakonec dobrý.
Mikelster Scam Artist Level 30 19/10/2024 11:20 PM
smazim si na grafice vajicka