First episode with Saul he hires Jimmy In-n-Out to pose as Hiesenburg. If not for Saul's involvement, Badger would have rolled and Walt would have gone to Jail.
Saul gets his contact in Russia to funnel walts money through, allowing Walt to spend his money.
Saul introduces Walt and Jesse to Gus.
Saul sends Mike to clean up Jane's overdose, saving Jesse from Jail.
Saul hides Jesse from Mike and Gus, and tricks Mike into a wild goose chase long enough for them to kill Gale, which saved their lives.
Saul guy Kuby helps them buy the car wash, to launder the money after the website goes down.
Saul has Mike bug Walter's house and has Mike intercept Walt from assaulting Ted.
Saul's guy Huell steals the ricen cigarette as part of Walts plan to get Jesse on his side and kill Gus.
Saul is also able to relay Jesse's info about Hector and Gus being enemies which ends up being the key factor to killing Gus.
Saul gives Walt and Jesse the contact info for the vacuum disappear, which they both use to avoid Jail. (Tho Walt returns later)
Saul introduces Walt, Jesse, and Mike to Ira and Vaminos Pest, which they use to cook meth after the lab is destroyed.
This in turn leads them to meeting Todd, who's connections allow for the 10 man prison hit, keeping them all out of Jail
Saul sends his guys to force Ted to pay the IRS, preventing Skyler from being Audited while laundering money for Walt
He sends the same guys to move walts money, and erasing the only evidence skyler had about walts empire.
And a lot of smaller things throughout the series, but yeah, Saul was absolutely right when he said that
“Who is Walter White?”He's that GOATed chemistry teacher who went from broke boomer to full-on sigma male drug lord. Started off cooking meth for the fam, but got too deep in the game and turned into the ultimate villain arc
Saul gets his contact in Russia to funnel walts money through, allowing Walt to spend his money.
Saul introduces Walt and Jesse to Gus.
Saul sends Mike to clean up Jane's overdose, saving Jesse from Jail.
Saul hides Jesse from Mike and Gus, and tricks Mike into a wild goose chase long enough for them to kill Gale, which saved their lives.
Saul guy Kuby helps them buy the car wash, to launder the money after the website goes down.
Saul has Mike bug Walter's house and has Mike intercept Walt from assaulting Ted.
Saul's guy Huell steals the ricen cigarette as part of Walts plan to get Jesse on his side and kill Gus.
Saul is also able to relay Jesse's info about Hector and Gus being enemies which ends up being the key factor to killing Gus.
Saul gives Walt and Jesse the contact info for the vacuum disappear, which they both use to avoid Jail. (Tho Walt returns later)
Saul introduces Walt, Jesse, and Mike to Ira and Vaminos Pest, which they use to cook meth after the lab is destroyed.
This in turn leads them to meeting Todd, who's connections allow for the 10 man prison hit, keeping them all out of Jail
Saul sends his guys to force Ted to pay the IRS, preventing Skyler from being Audited while laundering money for Walt
He sends the same guys to move walts money, and erasing the only evidence skyler had about walts empire.
And a lot of smaller things throughout the series, but yeah, Saul was absolutely right when he said that