




Predicting A Criminal's Motives And Actions

xSlitt's Guide To Becoming A Better Cop!
xSlitt xSlitt 10/11/2018
As a cop, you must be fully aware, and competent of what criminals are going to do next. Even if you aren't in pursuit, having that knowledge and being one step ahead of them will definitely get you the arrest.

Example 1: A Criminal Attempting To Evade Wanted Stars Through Pay n' Spray

Let's say that you're in Idlewood, Los Santos, and you see a criminal on your minimap who is in Willowfield, Los Santos. They get into a car and start heading into your direction. Knowing that there is a Pay n' Spray in Idlewood, you have to predict that that's where they are going to go. What you need to do is hide behind something big, like a building or a wall, and be sure to have /policehide on at all times. Once the criminal enters the Pay n' Spray, you come up behind them, and arrest them, all without them even knowing. They won't have a clue how you knew that's where they were headed unless they saw you in the first place. You have to use the resources that are provided for you as much as possible in order to get a lot of arrests.

Example 2: The Popping Out Method

The Popping Out Method is a very useful method when arresting criminals that are in vehicles while you are on foot. Basically, when a criminal is driving towards you quickly, and you are already out of your vehicle, hide behind a wall, or a building, and once the criminal is about to be parallel with your position, run right in front of them, and arrest them. This method should work every single time due to the fact that they don't see it coming. Catching them off guard like that is really effective, and will take them by surprise every time.

However, what I don't want you to do is to use this method as an excuse to just sit around, and let the arrests come to you. Part of the police job that makes it such a fun job is that you can be in high speed pursuits filled with action, and cool moments. If you're just sitting in your police vehicle like a duck, one, you're not actually working for your skills, and two, this in a way can be seen as abusing, because you're letting the skills come to you, rather than you coming to them. The Popping Out Method should only be used for the really difficult arrests.

Example 1: A player who is doing the drug courier job has to go from San Fierro to Los Santos, there is a bridge which lets you exit out of Los Santos, and this bridge is generally where players doing the drug courier job enter from when they are driving towards their destination. I recommend using The Popping Out Method for this situation.

Example 2: Another example would be if there are multiple criminals in one car that have guns, and are shooting at you. From my personal experience, if you're driving towards a car with multiple criminals with guns, and they shoot at you, you're done for. You can forget about getting that arrest because they have the advantage, so you should run up on them while another police officer is distracting them, and then arrest them. Other than that, you should really only use The Popping Out Method for these two situations. Everything else should require your fast movement skills.

Written By xSlitt.

Comments (30)

TonyVeneto n00b Level 4 24/03/2024 12:52 PM
we need more of this
Ekko Epic player Level 135 04/07/2019 09:27 PM
this is the best spot :d

i have arrested Parker from it :D
SavageKid Legendary player Level 68 30/05/2019 07:12 PM
DonNiko Legendary player Level 83 11/01/2019 04:41 AM
with my experience on this server, I already knew that, but thanks xd
Desperado Level 48 12/11/2018 02:30 PM
Nice xslitt ill try it :)
C3nT Administrator Legendary player Level 128 11/11/2018 11:41 AM
I'll try to earn some skills!
niCe Lead Manager Legendary player Level 339 11/11/2018 11:33 AM
Well described.

I would also add the most important prediction method - using police computer. Location of each criminal and name of their recent crime might give you a hint, what they're up to. For example, if you see they have commited burglary, you might want to wait near the lockup, where burglars deliver the stolen goods to get their payout. Same with armed robbery, you can track the player and knowing they are robbing the shops, you can simply wait in front of the shop once they enter it and surprise them when they get out.
AimanKazuya Assassin Level 77 11/11/2018 10:44 AM
Good job!
Syamim Legendary player Level 122 11/11/2018 10:41 AM
Morched23MJ Adored Level 107 11/11/2018 12:19 AM
I have gained all of this through my experience as a cop when I was new to the server, and I agree with all of this. Feeling nostalgic about those days..
Good blog post, Sherrif!
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