




Stolen goods and Pawn shop

Veronica's Blog
Veronica Veronica 18/01/2024
Greetings ! harry-potter4
In this blog i am going to talk about something many players asked about , which is how to get Goods and how to sell and make money from it.
There are 4 ways how to get goods
First and easiest one is stealing electronic goods which you can find everywhere in or out of interior:

You can also crack safes :

Also by robbing Containers which you can find in these areas :

Not all the containers can be robbed , the Cargo container looks like this:

Shoot the lock and search the crates which you will find inside , 4 crates.
Goods can be found in airports too , by robbing luggages :

Here is a video that explains more about all these:

Storage lockers give more valueable goods , you need to win the storage auction to purchase the storage locker.
You can check the Auctions from computer and add notification to your organizer and you will get notified before 5 minutes :

Here is a video that explains more :

You can sell the goods to Pawn shop which you can locate it with /gps or with /menu by checking your goods in inventory and when you click on any of them you will automatically get the destination to the nearest pawn shop in the area you are in :

Here is the list of goods with prices:
Goods >>>>>> Price
Clothings>>>>>>>>> $1000
Furnishings>>>>>>> $2000
Electronic goods>>> $3000
Jewelry>>>>>>>>>>> $5000
Sport equipment>>> $10000
Antiques>>>>>>>>>> $15000
Musical instruments> $20000
Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $20000
Bullion>>>>>>>>>>>> $25000
Movie props>>>>>>>> $30000
Gambling appliances.> $40000
Diamonds >>>>>>>>>> $60000
Bonds >>>>>>>>>>>>> $70000
Arts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $120000
Be careful of losing the shop clerk's patience by offering a high price

Thats all about the stolen goods.
Have a nice day doctor-who29


Comments (7)

Veronica Player Level 58 19/05/2024 09:12 PM
You can now steal goods from cargo trains:

FrankCaptain Level 105 09/02/2024 11:38 AM
Triki Legendary player Level 52 21/01/2024 05:08 PM
Good work Vero.
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 19/01/2024 01:43 PM
Good one for newbies.
Marw1k Nobody Special Level 110 19/01/2024 10:59 AM
Nice job, its so easy to read and understand it
Christopher1 Level 59 19/01/2024 08:41 AM
marvellous blog jim-carrey17
Raiden69 Legendary player Level 58 19/01/2024 06:19 AM
first, nice

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