DescriptionThis is a full guide of our samp server commandsCommands for new players:/help: This command that everyone should read carefully, especially for new players This will give you some information about everything in the server
/cmds: this command shows you Some commands are frequently used.
/rules: This commands display for you our community rules.
/about: It shows you a list of the most important features that our server contains.
/server: Shows you some server statistics
/link: This command gives you information about how to link your account so that you don't lose it
/password: It opens a dialog where you can change your password
/name: It allows you to change your name (can be used only once each 100 gaming hours)
/news: this command shows you recent updates in our SA-MP server
/earn: This command show you all the possible ways to earn money
/bonuses: Shows the discounts that are currently available
/faq: Shows the frequently asked questions
General commands:/report: Report any player using this format to administrators /report <id> <reason>
/jobs: to view all the jobs that we have on our server and some informations about them
/quitjob - /leavejob: To quit your current job.
/stats: Displays all of your gaming statistics. You can also use /sts, /info or /s to access this. Typing a player’s ID after any of these commands will enable you to view that player's stats.
/premium: It shows all premium account benefits and your expiring date
/achievements: It shows completed and uncompleted achievements
/menu: opens your menu
/inventory: opens your inventory
/phone: opens your phone
/settings: Change some account settings
/missions: Brief introduction about the missions you can do on this server.
/cancelmission - /leavemission: Cancels your current mission.
/xp: gives you some informations about how to earn xp on our server
/rp: gives you some informations about how to earn Reputation Points
/rpshop: Displays a list of the items that you you can exchange it using your Reputation Points
/player - /player <ID>: Displays a summary of basic player information.
/autologin: It allows you to connect to the server without entering your password (use only if you're the only user of the pc)
/sell: to sell your items to nearby players
/playertitles: Displays all players's equipped title
/block <ID>: Blocks a player's messages
/removeblocked: Unblocks a player from your blocked list
/levels: Shows you what will you unlock with leveling up.
/mugger: Ability to mug players from behind using knife which can be purchased at Ammu-Nation
/purchased: It shows some items bought from /shop or /rpshop and the expiring date of limited stuff (such as premium account or weapon in house)
/shop: Market where you can buy stuff using /webmoney
/market - /marketplace: To view or buy tokens
/sellmoney: to sell your Tokens
/admins: Show you online administrators.
/helpers: Show you online helpers.
/android: Displays all online android users
/moneyzone: Shows the location and remaining time of money zone
/moneybag: Shows the location and remaining time of money bag
/moneycourier: Shows the location and remaining time of money couriers
/drop or /dropweapon: Throws weapons that you are holding.
/purchasedbillboards: To see list of billboards that you have purchased.
/items: shows you a list of all the items that can be added to your skin
/remove: To remove items added in your skin.
/anims: Your character can perform certain cool animations. The list of all possible animations can be seen here. (Note each animation has its own unique command)
/title: Allows you to set a Title above your head. As you level up or perform certain activities you will unlock more titles. The list of all the titles that can be unlocked can be viewed in /titles. You can also check what titles other players are using by typing /playertitles.
/titles: Allows you to check obtainable titles after finishing an objective
/newbies: Displays the name of all players with under 50 hours of gaming time.
/afkreason: This command will allow you to set a reason of your AFK
/kill: Commit suicide
/afk: Show your players that are AFK.
(AFK = Away From Keyboard)
/activity: A server protocol to verify your activity
/credits: Displays list of developers and beta testers who highly put effort into making this project
/premium: to view a list of the premium account benefits
/send: It allows you to send your stuff to nearby players
/ad: Used to write your own advertisement(/ad )
/ads: Shows a full list of ads of all online players
/cancelad: Deletes your own ad
/firework: to use 1 firework (Can only be used at night)
/Knife: To kill your enemy from behind.
/teargas: to throw a tear gas
/mine: to throw a proximity mine
/hire <ID>: command can be used by CEO and director of organization which hires player onto organization
/money - /cash: to send your money to someone (use /money <ID> <Amount>)
/randompackage: To buy 1 random package
/trap: to throw a booby trap
/tokens <Amount>: Display the value of tokens to other currencies (Euro,USD...)
/mercenaries: Displays all targeted players by mercenaries
/sappers: Displays all targeted players by demolition experts
/hits: Displays all players with bounty
/hit: Ability to set a bounty on another player using /hit <ID> <Amount of cash>
/nametags: To disable or enable player's name
/fish - /fishing: To start fishing near water surface
/policesay <TEXT>: Sent a message to other police officers(Chief of Police rank is required)
/policekick <ID> <TIME>: Ability to kick a police officer from the police force(there is 10% chance that this will be not successful and you will attain 2 wanted stars for Bribery)
/ignore: You will block messages from a player for short period of time
/contest: Displays all running contest with Info also the duration
/records: Displays the top most records by players from all San Andreas races
/scratchcard: With this command you can instantly use scratch card from your inventory
/poke <ID>: you can use this command to poke a user
Friends commands:/friend : to add someone as your friend
/friendlist: this will show you your friend list
/friends: shows you your online friends
/f: Friends chat
/unfriend - /removefriend : to remove someone from your /friendlist.
/followers: To see a list of who added you as a friend and you didn't add him
Drug commands:/smoke - /weed: It consumes 5 grams of weed
/crack - /td: It consumes 5 grams of cocaine
/meth: It consumes 5 grams of meth
/smokes: It consumes 1 smoke
/dp: Displays information about drug base
/alcopatch: To decrease your intoxication.
Navigation commands:/gps: Displays a list of the locations that you can locate them
/locatecar: To locate a specific vehicle That are near you
/cancellocate: This command will disable /locatecar destination.
/locatehouse <ID>: To locate a specific house on your mini-map.
/gps: Disable navigation to cancel navigated position on minimap
Chat commands/pm - /w - /m - /message: It sends a private message to a player
/re: It sends a fast reply to the last user who messaged you
/local - /l: It sends a message to nearby players
/global - /g: It sends a message to the Global chat
/team - !: It sends a message to the Team chat
/oc: It sends a message to Organization chat as a normal member
/cs: It sends a message to Organization chat as a ceo
/cc: It sends a message to congressmen chat
/group - _: It sends a message to Group chat
/joingroup: It's used to join a group
/groupplayers: It displays a list of your group members
/leavegroup: To leave your current group
/webchat: To display players on web
Vehicle commands/respawn: Respawns all your vehicle to their original garages/houses
/doors: It opens - closes the doors
/windows: It opens - closes the windows
/hood: It opens - closes the hood
/trunk - /boot: It opens - closes the trunk
/neon: It turns ON - OFF the vehicle neons
/lights: It turns ON - OFF the vehicle lights
/engine - /motor: It turns ON - OFF the vehicle engine
/carcolor <Primary color id> <Secondary color Id>: Ability to test vehicle color for 10 seconds
/dl: that command will give you technical information about any vehicle.
/empty: To eject all players from vehicle when you are not in it.
/eject: To eject specific player from vehicle. (You can use it without adding ID then it will eject all players from vehicle)
/lock - /lk: Locks your vehicle for all players.
/unlock - /ulk: Unlocks your vehicle for specific player (You can use it without ID then it will unlock vehicle for all players).
/stingers: To activate or deactivate purchased stingers on your vehicle
/smokescreen: To activate or deactivate purchased smoke screen on your vehicle
/oilslicks: To activate or deactivate purchased smoke screen on your vehicle
/garagevehicles: It will show all the vehicles saved in the garages
/savedvehicles: It will show all the vehicles saved in the garages, houses, hangars and helipads
/carinfo: While you are inside a vehicle to get detailed information regarding vehicle
/owner: Display the owner of the vehicle
/fuel: To enable/disable fuel of vehicle
/repair: Fixes your vehicle's instantly but this command only works in safe zones
Congress commands:/election: It opens a dialog where you can register for election and check the last election results
/vote: It's used to vote for players in election
/cc or /congresschat : To speak in congress chat
/congressmen: Shows you online congressmen.
/elected: Displays all elected congressmen and date
Minigames and events commands:/event : To join the current event
/poker: Ability to join poker game
/derby: Ability to join destruction derby minigame
/eventinfo: To view some informations about the current event
/eventlist: To view a list of the event players
/contribute: To add a contribution the event budget
/leaveevent: To leave the current event
/tdm: To join the current team deathmatch
/dm: To join the current Deathmatch
/contribute: To add a contribution to the event budget
/race: To join the current race minigame
/irace: To join the current impromptu race
/survival: To join the current survival minigame
/golf: To join the current golf minigame
Gang commands:/war - /attack: To attack other gangs hoods
/gang: To display your gang members
/gangkick <id>: To kick someone from your gang ( you cant kick gang bosses)
/gangsay - /gs: You can send a message as gang boss
/gangbackup: To send help request to your gang.
/boss: Displays all gang bosses from all gangs
Premium commands:/auction: It allows you to auction an item of your choice for the whole server to buy. You can even choose the starting price. Other players will be able to make a /bid if they are interested in your item
/auctioninfo: To view what item is being auctioned and last bid amount
/voting : It allows you to create a YES/NO vote for the whole server to take part in. Others can use the /yes or /no commands to voice their opinion
/tag: It allows you to set a customisable tag above your head with green letters
/tags: It allows you to check what tags other players have
/untag: It removes your current tag
/hide: It allows you to hide from the map. You can also choose to hide from friends or from everyone
/color: It allows you to change your name color, You can choose between 12 colors
/textcolor: It allows you to change your text color. You can choose between 12 different colors
/sellhouse: It allows you to list your house for sale for 24 hours, but you must be near it
/flip: It allows you to flip your vehicle
/eventvote: It allows you to vote for the next event
/numberplate: It allows you to change the' number plate of your vehicle
/timer: It allows you to start a 3 seconds countdown timer
/highlight: You can use this commad to highlight any non-hidden player on your map
/labelcolor: It allows you to change the color of labels
/policenumber <1-99>: Changes the number which is shown on top of Police cruiser
SA-MP commands:/quit: This command speaks for itself, it quits the game. You can also use /q, as it the exact same command, just shorter.
/fpslimit: This command sets the limit of FPS (Frames Per Second) for your game. The higher the limit the smoother your game is. Has no effect if frame limiter is turned off in graphic options. The limit can be set between 20 and 90.
/pagesize: used to choose the amount of lines of chat to show. This can be anything from 10 to 20 lines. Pagesize is 10 by default.
/timestamp: This command will show/hide a time next to all messages in the chatbox. The time that is displayed is your computer's time, not the server time.
/fontsize: Changes the font size of the UI (chat, dialogs etc.). Valid fontsize is -3 to 5.
/headmove: This command will enable/disable the players head movements, however it is handled locally so other players will still see your head move.
Big Thanks to
for helping with this update!
“/contest: Displays all running contest with Info also the duration”
It's used to save data about your skin (or vehicle if in a one), coordinates and other stuff to GTA San Andreas User FilesSAMPsavedpositions.txt.
It's a SA-MP command, not a WTLS one so it's basically useless unless you are scripting for your own server where you can also use it to set spawns for players when they die or arrested or even NPC's position time and when to spawn...