





The Player Guide
Deanen Deanen 24/01/2020

Offices are one of the greatest upgrades for your organization, and one of the best updates in the server. You can consider offices as a big improvement for your organization, thus your associates will be able to do CEO works in any of the available offices.

- Example of an office:

Basic Information

CEO can purchase offices for 30 days for their organization. In office, you can purchase business for your organization. When a business is purchased, organization members can start CEO work for this business. CEO earns cut from the CEO work complete by the organization members and the cuts are paid each hour to the CEO. There is a cool down of 30 minutes between CEO works, which means you can only do a CEO work once every 30 minutes. There will be total 6 businesses, some of them will be legal, some illegal. You can purchase drugs dealing, loan sharking, smuggling, prostitution, robberies and protection racket. Each business will pay high amount of money, but each associate will have a cooldown on doing the businesses for the organization. That means, the more associates, the better can the organization run!


Offices are located all around the map, and there is a total of 18 offices. To be exact, 9 in Los Santos, 3 in Las Venturas , and 6 in San Fierro. You can use the map found inside each office in order to locate distinguish owned and un-owned offices.
// Red stands for un-owned offices
// Green stands for owned offices.

What is the office composed of?

In the offices you can find many features, and the most beneficial thing about them, is that you can use them just like your house.
1 – You can store your money and your weapons inside the office!
Just like the regular house or hotel suite, offices can be used to store weapons or money.

2 – You can refill snacks inside the office for totally free!
There’ll be a nice lady inside each office, she’ll be pleased to refill your snacks whenever you want!

NOTE : - You can only refill 5 snacks at once
-You can find Sprunk, Egochaser, Meteorite, P’s & Q’s as snacks.

3 – Beers:
Like any house, you can find beers which can be used by the player to refill HP for example.

4 – Computers:
You can access computers while inside an Office, where you can purchase vehicles, furniture, renew houses etc.

5 – Documents:
One of the important things regarding Offices, are the Documents.
The documents are found inside each office, and can be accessed by any member inside the office. They contain useful information about the Office which are:
- Organization Description
- Organization Members
- Members Activity
- Organization Member Records
- All-Time CEO completed works
- Last Month CEO completed works
- Organization stats

- Example for Organization's Documents:

6 – Security Camera
Can be used to see what’s outside the Office.

7 – Radio
There’ll be a radio inside each Office, can be turned on/off and you can use it to play music.

8 – Ledger

Ledgers can be found inside officers, can be used by CEO to add notes and other players can read them.
Mostly used when the CEO is informing the members about payout bonuses or adding new rules to the Organization.

9 – Noticeboard :
The notice board is where you can either purchase businesses as a CEO, or simply do the CEO Works as a member.

10 – QU3BD
The basic and the funniest video game of all, QUB3D! Members can play QUB3D inside offices.

Extra Information

- You can locate the nearest Office using /gps. A marker will appear in map which will lead you to your location.
- Offices can be renewed via Dynatsy8 page which is accessible from any computer.
- You can customize the Office through the Krapea website in any computer
- The offices are officially made to improve the Organizations, so if you have any questions regarding the Organizations, you can freely read the blog which contains many information about them.


Comments (4)

ItzOpu Gamer Level 18 14/05/2020 06:54 PM
Not to sound like that I am nitpicking but you mispelled QUB3D with QU3BD
wizmolish Level 79 25/01/2020 08:42 PM
Proud of you this is really helpful
xSolo Mobster Level 79 25/01/2020 12:33 PM
Quite helpful dude for new players keep helping ;)
MaNiTi Godfather Level 115 25/01/2020 12:35 AM
great work!