




Congress System

The Player Guide
Gunner Gunner 12/10/2016
The congress system on our server is pretty common and also manages the budget on the server. It's an important system that requires understanding people to be congressmen so they can vote wisely and not only considering the votes for their personal profits and care about the server's budget.

The requirements to be a congressman are:
- Level 50 or above
- Paying the election charge (which is changeable by the congressmen)

How it works
You can sign up for congress elections in-game by typing /election and choose Sign up for election and you'll have the charge you will pay below the sign up option. Once you are signed up you will have to wait to the next day at 12:00 PM so the votes can start and players can vote. The votes will end at 8:00 PM. You must have an opponent in /vote so It can start, If anyone didn't sign up with you, the voting will be delayed until someone sign up against you, could be one, two, etc. Once you are a congressman you can start votes and each vote will take 12 hours to be approved or refused based on other congressmen votes so you have to think wisely before making a vote as it will affect the budget for the next 12 hours. It will be approve if the ''For'' votes are more than the ''Against'' votes and the opposite is right.

Once you win the election you will be in /congressmen list and will have the ability to approve/refuse votes and submit proposals. When you type /congress in-game you will notice that two options were added to the list which are:

Submit proposal

Basically, submitting a proposal means that you can start a vote for an option and select the percentage of the vote, and Votings are the votes that you haven't voted for yet. congressmen have the ability to start votes for the following list:

1) Hospital charge
Hospital charge is the charge hospital deduct from players when they die and respawn, It goes to the /finances. It can be changed from minimum $0 to $1,000 maximum

2) Bail
Bail is the charge that Police departments deduct from players when they get jailed and released from the prison. It goes to the /finances. It can be changed from minimum $0 to $1,000 maximum

3) Income tax
Income tax is a tax which congressmen can put on players when the budget is in a loss so they can re-gain money for the budget. The tax is imposed on the:
- Server jobs
- Gang hoods payout

4) Income bonus
Income bonus is a bonus which congressmen can give to players so their revenue increases. The bonus will be deducted from /finances and It also affects:
- Server jobs
- Gang hoods payout

5) Interest rate
Interest rate is a very low amount of money that you earn each hour from /finances, the more money you have the more you receive. It can be changed from 0% minimum to 20% maximum

6) Sales tax
Sales tax is a tax congressmen can put on players when the budget is in a loss so they can return some money to /finances. The tax goes straight to /finances. It can be changed from 0% minimum to 20% maximum. Sales tax affects the following list:
- Houses
- Properties
- Hangar
- Marina
- Helipad
- Garage
-Bailing out via congress

7) Property tax
Property tax is a tax that the congressmen can put on properties owners so the revenue they get decreases depends on the tax and the property value. The tax goes directly to /finances. Property tax can be changed from 0% minimum to 20% maximum.

8) Congressmen bonus
Congressmen bonus is a bonus that congressmen gets when they get in their limousine. The bonus is given each 5 minutes. The bonus will be deducted from /finances once a congressman gets it. It can be changed from 0$ minimum to $10,000 maximum. Congress limousines are parked at Los Santos's City Hall.

9) Stock market stimulus
Stock market stimulus is an amount of money that congressmen can raise from the server's /finances to the stock market companies to increase their stocks so the owners can get profit from the shares. It can be changed from $100,000 minimum to $500,000 maximum.

Stock tax is returned back: Congressmen can change its value between 0-5%, the tax is being paid when you sell the stocks

10) Limousines
Limousines is a vote which congressmen can start to decide how many limousines should be at the City Hall and can be taken bonus from. It can be changed from 0 Limousines minimum to 5 Limousines maximum.

11) Players bonus
Players bonus is a bonus which players can collect from the City Halls when passing on the ''$'' Icon every hour. The bonus is taken from /finances directly to players. Congressmen can change it between $0 to $10,000

12) Election charge
Election charge is the money deducted from the player when he/she signs up for election. It goes directly to /finances. Congressmen can change it from $50,000 minimum to $100,000 maximum

13) Police weapons
Police weapons is an option which Congressmen can decide to give or not. Once the vote is approved police can collect the weapon from Police departments. Each weapon taken It's money will be deducted from /finances. The weapons that available for police are:
- None (No weapon)
- Pistol
- Shotgun
- M4

Mobile phone usages
An addition to the new congress system that you can use your Mobile phone, you have two options on the phone that benefit congressmen:

1) Organizer
Organizer is a system that you can use to check the time when submitted proposals end. It can be useful for you when you want to know when It will end so you can start another vote.
2) Congress
Congress is an optional system you can use from your Mobile phone as it has the same options as /congress and /election mixed together, you can either use it or use /congress and /election.

Extra Information
- When /finances goes negative, each 10 minutes all congressmen will attain one wanted level for Embezzlement
- There are two first options in /congress which are stats and fiances which you can check from the current stats of the congress and also what do congress spend and what do they gain. Also their fiances for the last 5 hours
- When a congressman is elected, he will stay for 30 future elections as congressman, after 30 elections are done, he will not be a congressman anymore.
- You can vote for a submitted proposal from /congress > Votings > *The vote* > For or Against
- You can now bail people out of jail for $10,000 (depending on sales tax).
- To talk in the congress chat , type /cc <TEXT> TO /Congresschat <TEXT>
- You can see the online congressmen using /congressmen
- You can deliver the limo from /congress - Deliver limo , it will cost $5000 (depending on sales tax)
- You can now release players from prison

Congress system is a pretty good system and needs more of understanding and experienced players to apply and share their experience with other congressmen so they can at last have a good budget and no complains from players, thus each and every congressman should choose their votes wisely as it will have consequences in the future.

- Vedran
- Carl
- Mano
- MrSmity413
- LaZeR LaZeR
- Dashing Dashing

Comments (27)

xJonathan Bully Level 65 17/05/2024 11:51 PM
Additional info : never join congress on bonuses days
sidzen Administrator Level 94 01/07/2021 08:08 AM
Thanks for this blog very helpful
Futureboss Experienced player Level 52 26/04/2021 09:36 PM
Damn I am at level 44, Can I still be a congressman even though you need to be level 50 and above
RomanianBadass Trickster Level 67 13/05/2019 07:13 PM
Thanks for making me understand the congress system better.
Shailesh Moderator Legendary player Level 73 21/09/2018 03:34 PM
Thats good it helped me
Kaushal Experienced player Level 83 14/04/2018 09:06 PM
That's great, it helped me alot. Thanks!
ViFluKeY Level 166 25/01/2018 05:08 AM
Great Guide for those people who have first time for congressman's
Showzer Film maker Level 120 18/01/2018 01:14 PM
helped me a lot,thank you
iGeek912 Level 71 01/01/2018 09:43 PM
Really usefull ! Nice job !
Hoodini95 Mercenary Level 66 13/11/2017 09:40 PM
I'll have to be a congressmen to understand these things better
Show comments 11-20 of 27