



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
Gregg Gregg 04/12/2021

The Boosts menu is a fairly new addition to the game which was added back in late June of 2021, and it can be found in the interaction menu. Its main purpose is to allow you to receive some extra bonuses with each boost. You can select an unlimited number of boosts in unlocked slots, some slots are unlocked after reaching a specific level, others are for premium players only. Each boost is activated for a different amount of time. You will see more details and requirements about this system as we go on.

How to activate a boost:

Step 1:
To activate a boost, you need to access the boosts menu, you can do that by opening the interaction menu first by typing /menu or by pressing N (while in-game of course). Then head down to the fifth line called “Boosts”.

Step 2:
Then press space and you should now be able to see the boosts menu which looks like the following image when it is empty.

Step 3:
To navigate the boost menu, use the movement controls (W, A, S, D), press LMB to change the boost, SPACE to apply a boost and enter/F to exit the menu. Don’t worry you will figure it out!

Step 4:
When you have finished activating your boosts, you can now go ahead and exit the boosts menu by pressing F or enter. The boosts now will remain active for the time specified on them so make sure to take advantage of them while you can!

More information and requirements:

As I have mentioned above, some slots can only be unlocked after you reach a specific level. If you are a new player here who is probably under level 10, your boosts menu will look like the image below and you will not be able to interact with it in any way because of the restrictions.

- You can unlock the first slot once you reach LEVEL 10
- You can unlock the second slot once you reach LEVEL 60
- You can unlock the third slot once you reach LEVEL 110
- You can unlock the fourth slot once you reach LEVEL 160

Moreover, you can notice that the rest 6 slots require you to purchase a /premium account to unlock them.

So, in total you have 10 slots available, 4 level based (specified with example arrows) and 6 premium based.

All boosts available:

The following list includes ALL possible boosts that you can currently select/activate on our servers with a brief description on what they do and for how long:

- JOBS, bonus 25% to jobs, time 01:00 hour
- GANGS, bonus 25% to gangs, time 01:00 hour
- MISSIONS, bonus 25% to missions, time 01:00 hour
- ROBBING, bonus 25% to robbing shops, ATMs and safes, time 01:00 hour
- ORGANIZATIONS, bonus 25% to CEO works and CEO challenges, time 01:00 hour
- DELIVERING CARS, bonus 25% to exporting cars in docks and delivering cars to Dwaine, time 01:00 hour
- ASSASSINATIONS, bonus 25% to assassination contracts, time 01:00 hour

- XP, you will earn 2x more XP, time 05:00 hours
- RP, you will earn 50% more RP, time 05:00 hours
- PRISON, reduced prison time by 50%, time 05:00 hours
- RANDOM EVENTS, double bonus for money bag, money zone and money courier, time 05:00
- COLLECTIBLES, double bonus for hidden packages, spray tags, snapshots, horseshoes and oysters, time 05:00 hours
- WAREHOUSE, bonus 5% to selling goods in warehouses, time 01:00 hour
- CAR WORKSHOP, bonus 5% to selling cars in car workshop, time 01:00 hour

Other important information:

- Once a boost is activated in a specific slot you can’t put the same boost again in a different slot while the other is still active, you need to wait for it to finish to re-use it (no duplicates allowed).
- When a boost expires in a specific slot, then that slot will have a cool down of 10 hours, but meanwhile you can use the same boost again in a different slot while you wait for the other slot’s cool down.
- Boosts count only during playtime and when AFK, when you are offline, they won’t be active.
- Sometimes a specific boost like JOBS might not have any bonus effect on your money, that’s because of the fees and bonuses that the congressmen have decided. If they decide to return the fees and bonuses back to normal then you will get that extra cash.


To summarize, the boosting system was a great addition to the game, as you have noticed above it gives to players a lot of extra benefits and bonuses that they can take advantage of for different purposes. For example, if you are a person who likes doing lots of CEO work, then the ORGANIZATIONS boost will be perfect for you as you will receive more payout for each work. That is all you need to know for now about the boosting system on our servers, I hope you’ve found this guide helpful, if you have any questions about this you can always PM me either in-game or on /web.


This blog was created by xGreg, special thanks to R3dfield and TheArrow for some clarifications and screenshots and to Petrit for this great suggestion for player’s guide. We will keep this thread updated in case of any new updates.

Thank you for your time and Merry Christmas to all of you!

Comments (10)

EDM Level 54 18/12/2021 01:54 PM
Thanks man
Wikipedia Photographer Level 55 05/12/2021 03:57 PM
nice blog, very helpful
Lawliet183 Player Level 16 05/12/2021 03:09 PM
Nice post Greg
RaiYou Administrator Legendary player Level 138 05/12/2021 02:20 AM
Great work.
Acceonit Level 69 04/12/2021 07:31 PM
Nice job Greg
Asphyxiation Trickster Level 78 04/12/2021 05:14 PM
R3TivE Helper Veteran Level 70 04/12/2021 05:09 PM
Great ^_^
TheArrow Talkative Level 76 04/12/2021 03:14 PM
Nice one, great work!
AbdoY Jailbird Level 53 04/12/2021 03:13 PM
good job !
unavailablenow Level 131 04/12/2021 01:52 PM
Looks perfect, great work!