




Random events, MoneyBag MoneyZone MoneyCourier

--- The Player Guide for FiveM ---
Polygon Polygon 09/09/2022
Hey, In this blog post you will find information about random events.
prizes locations and other helpful tips.
p.s If you are looking for moneybag locations just scroll down at the end of the blog.

Money Courier

Money Couriers spawn in Los Santos, and since there are not many locations you can find them easily.
But note that they have great aim and it's hard to kill if you don't take a cover, This random event is similar to SA-MP, but NPCs move, unlike in samp where they are frozen in one place. There are 5 NPCs in the money courier zone, but only one NPC is a real money courier, you can kill only the courier NPC but I recommend you kill all of them.

The best weapons to kill couriers are Assult Shotgun for short range and Heavy Sniper or Heavy Rifle for long range.

Prizes From 30,000 to 70,000 + 350 XP (x2 XP for premium) Average reward is 58,000

Money Zone

This event is simple, you just have to go to the zone which is marked on the map and Hold it. The player with the most score will claim the prize.

Prizes From 50,000 to 100,000 + 500 XP (x2 XP for premium) Average reward is 88,000

Money Bag

And now the hardest random event, I know you might say that this is just a money bag how can It be the hardest? well yeah, It's simple just find a moneybag and that's it. But it's extremely hard to find one, Los Santos is detailed and built very well and there are hundreds of places where a moneybag can be, trust me it takes years to find a location.

Prizes From 30,000 to 60,000 +250 XP (x2 XP for premium) Average reward is 41,000

This is how a moneybag looks like


We will post more locations later this is not all.

Comments (6)

xNiCK Moderator Legendary player Level 52 02/07/2024 08:06 PM
informative! batman32
Veteran950 Experienced player Level 30 14/09/2022 09:46 AM
ty for the information
ohano Legendary player Level 32 10/09/2022 11:28 AM
PatrickBateman Nobody Special Level 31 10/09/2022 05:58 AM
Thanks For Info:D
bettercalljohn Legendary player Level 48 09/09/2022 06:21 PM
thank u mr polygon,
hugs n kisses
KLAUS26 Moderator Admired Level 56 09/09/2022 01:55 PM
ty for info :D