




SOLVED: Unacceptable Nickname

Technical Support
Andromeda Andromeda 14/05/2020
Hello people!

In this post, I will solve a problem upon a request, instead of following the last post I've shared. As I have already mentioned, please feel free to contact me through comments, private messages or on discord. I'll make sure to satisfy every single solve request.

DISCLAIMER: Your requests might be ignored and/or unsatisfied if your game files contain even the smallest game modification available.

I guess we can start now.

This error is shown in three situtations:

-The user has picked up an improper nick name.
-There is already an online player on the server with the same nick name that the player has chosen.
-A client-sided bug caused by unstable connection.

This bug is mostly caused by the same reason as You are banned from this server bug. The player has got a nick-name that meets the server requirements however a notification text shows up, saying that the nick-name is improper.

What exactly causes this client bug to occur?

-The player has left the server (mostly happens in timeouts) but the server could not receive any information from the client that should've been sent so according to the server, the player is still online.

So, let's name the player as "Ceyii". Ceyii has disconnected from the server and later tried to connect back. However, the server thinks that "Ceyii" did not leave the server yet and another player is trying to connect with the nick name "Ceyii" which already exists.

Result, server asks Ceyii to pick up a different name because it is already in use.

How can this bug be fixed?

As we know how the bug occurs, the ways to fix it are really simple.

-Since server thinks that the user is still online, the user should wait for a while until server notices that the player has left.
-The player can re-install the SAMP client or delete the file named "gta_sa.set".


-Wait for a while before reconnecting.
-Re-install SAMP, delete "gta_sa.set".

In the next post, you'll be viewing the reasons of having high ping and packetloss. Stay pinged!

Comments (5)

Netepyc Liked Level 28 01/07/2020 08:11 AM
This happened to me before,but i didn't know how to fix it,so i stopped playing samp for 2 days thinking my account wont be back xDD,then the 3rd i tested it out if i was able to login or on,and now i can play it Again :D
Andromeda Outlaw Level 106 20/05/2020 08:02 AM
This had happened the same to me and ceyii helped me , but I got the message that I was banned it was a bug btwYes, that is a bug too and the reason of that bug is same with the one mentioned in this blog post, caused of unstable connection
ExtremebroPlayz Editor Level 43 20/05/2020 06:18 AM
This had happened the same to me and ceyii helped me , but I got the message that I was banned it was a bug btw
Jasmine Legendary player Level 82 14/05/2020 08:32 PM
Harathi Level 100 14/05/2020 05:56 PM