




Are the blogs alive? (+contest for 750TK)

Stiffy's blog
Stiffy Stiffy 08/07/2024
Hi, hello, and welcome to another post on my blog, where I show you how to do it right. Haha, but now for real.

So, what do you think? Has the new feature of subscribing to blogs revived them? Or was it the contest for tokens for subscribing organized by the portal's management that brought them back to life? Let's summarize and analyze it, of course, without involving and evaluating my personal blog, because that would be a conflict of interest, right? And what are your opinions on the blogs?

We have, of course, niCe and his blog post where he explains the complexity of releasing updates for two servers - fiveM and SAMP. Then there's another post by niCe, this time in the official blog, with information about subscribing to blogs, and one significant detail:
We also strongly advice players to add blogposts with actual blogging, that means:
- No guides in blogs (it's not blogging)
- No contests in blogs (it's not blogging)
- No offering to create signatures (it's not blogging)

We would especially like to see blogposts with opinions, comments, reflections, thoughts or posts describing gameplay on the server.
And what did we get despite this? Post about a giveaway with a random number (X), a tutorial on where to find all the mysteries on the server (X), a short announcement about the new organization (X), and a tutorial about weekly contests (X). No offence guys, but it might seem like not much has changed...
The opposite is true, and we finally have some creative and interesting articles and texts in the blog! Apart from player interviews (which were also missing and are great!), I can personally recommend a blog that tries to act like a kind of photographer's diary from GTA SA (EN). Great job, I really enjoy this! Unfortunately, rest of my recommendation would be in Czech, where we have some players at least trying. But there still aren't as many as we, blogging fans, would probably like. And since the contest associated with subscribing to blogs wasn't enough, let's make a contest for a real post.

But first, let's clear something up, because I don't want to be a hypocrite. There's a difference between a post about a contest and a post with contest info like this. We have some thoughts from my head here, real opinions alright? Not just information about the contest, got it? Besides, I'm logically disqualified from the contest. I won't get +500 tokens just like that, unfortunately. F.

And considering how generous the contest is, it naturally has conditions and rules. It probably won't surprise anyone.
NO contest posts, NO giveaways, NO tutorials, NO brief feature descriptions on the server, NO "graphic creation" or signatures, simply NO something without original text content or added value.
So what is allowed?
YES any personal opinion, whether on the server, players, features, updates, changes, etc.
YES any story that happened to you on the server, experience, or funny incident
YES reflections and thoughts on updates or the server in general
YES fictional stories connected to GTA or storytelling related to the game and its plot
YES basically any post coming from your head, not something anyone can find
YES anything similar to the examples above, because the possibilities are endless.

The winner with the best post in the blog will receive 500TK, and the second place will get 250TK.

As you can see, there isn't much competition yet, so don't miss out! I will announce winners here on 1st of August.

Thanks, and happy blogging!

Comments (7)

Gazmoo Don Level 143 26/07/2024 11:11 AM
What did the horse say after it tripped?

Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!

2. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the “P” is silent.

3. What do you call a well-balanced horse?


4. What do you call an angry carrot?

A steamed veggie.

5. Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snowbank.

6. How do you make an egg-roll?

You push it!

7. What would bears be without bees?


8. What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-ntain.

9. Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don’t work.

10. Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two tired.
Stiffy Administrator Motion picture owner Level 142 09/07/2024 12:28 PM
How I can post a blog to ur blogpost?Just create your own
This really hits different and wants me to make a new blog about my samp story.I'm looking forward to read about it!

Good luck y all star_struck
Aimbrozzz Experienced player Level 61 09/07/2024 12:09 PM
How I can post a blog to ur blogpost?
TheRMan Advanced player Level 54 08/07/2024 10:28 PM
Finally, time to get a use of that IELTS English
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 08/07/2024 07:47 PM
This really hits different and wants me to make a new blog about my samp story.
XionWrzosek n00b Level 33 08/07/2024 01:15 PM
I have no words to say.niCe will do such things which will be better for ourselves
WhiTeWALKER Gamer Level 47 08/07/2024 12:48 PM
When I was checking the profile of a player, he received permaban