There are many jobs in WTLS to do. All of them are good and gives enough required money and we all enjoy it very well. But, there is one more easy way to gain money which is not mentioned in /jobs but it gives the random amount of money. These are Horseshoes. Horseshoes are mentioned in our stats (/s - Misc) but there is no tip that what it is and where to find it. Only those people knows it how have played Singleplayer and for others who are directly here in multiplayer WTLS, i am making the guide for y'all.
How to find Horseshoes?
Horseshoes are only located in Las Venturas. Some of them are on ground and some of them are on buildings. The person finding them can be confused many times if he/she is using a car, bike or a bicycle. The Vehicle i suggest is Maverick or Sparrow. Because these vehicles can fly and go lower when required. You can roam easily all around the locations of Horseshoes without a problem.
Locations of Horseshoes will be guided to you by some pictures of horseshoes in those locations but before that i will post a map of Las Venturas marked with Horseshoes locations so Good luck.