



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

When we see updates on SA-MP? And when on FiveM?

niCe's English Blog
niCe niCe 16/06/2024
More and more players are asking me about this. Unfortunately, it's no longer as simple as it used to be when I was working solely on SA-MP and could add updates every day, keeping every player satisfied. Now, we are actively working on both SA-MP and FiveM, which obviously means twice the work. Additionally, the website was recently reworked, bringing along many bugs that we also need to fix.

Since switching between programming for SA-MP and FiveM is quite challenging (each platform uses a different programming language), I have decided to continue adding updates by working on SA-MP updates for a few weeks and then on FiveM updates for a few weeks. Therefore, players will have to accept that there will be no updates on each multiplayer platform for a few weeks at a time, but there's no other way to manage it. Please know that I work on the servers for several hours every day and am doing everything I can for you.

And of course, when it comes to the FiveM server, I do not want to resort to using downloaded or stolen scripts like some other servers do - free scripts do not impress anyone when they can be found on almost every FiveM server. Instead, on WTLS, we always program everything ourselves to offer our players the quality features they are used to on WTLS. This of course takes much more work than just downloading a free script and then lying to players that it's our own work.

For information on what's planned for each month, you can follow the update plans topic: I will try to continuously add information to this topic about what is planned for each month so players know what to expect.

Comments (1)

Elias47 Bully Level 66 16/06/2024 02:00 PM
Samp servers seem to be fine there are many and many features while fivem servers lack of them.
The best regards for you for your efforts anyway 🫡