



Cheetah Cheetah 16/08/2024

For a long time, Golf has been the most valuable weekly challenge players can compete for and one of the best-kept secrets as there is no tutorial on how to gain the top scores on each Golf course until today. Below is a description of this minigame taken from /help -> Golf along with important information:

How to start a Golf minigame

There are 2 Golf courses where you can start a Golf minigame, which can be located at Yellow Bell Golf Course in Las Venturas and Avispa Country Club in San Fierro, which have separate weekly challenges as shown below. You can use the command /gps -> Golf to locate the nearest Golf course.

The highest score you can achieve in the Avispa Country Club Golf Course is 19, which is more difficult to obtain due to the complexity of this course.

The highest score you can achieve in the Yellow Bell Golf Course is 20, which is a lot easier to obtain, as demonstrated in the videos below.

How to achieve the highest score on each Golf course

These videos individually took multiple Golf minigame attempts to get all of the holes covered correctly so don’t be confused regarding the scores or time throughout the videos and focus on the height, power and position of each shot as I show how it is done correctly. It is possible to adjust the height, power and position and still succeed, however, this is how I complete both golf courses. If I achieve the highest possible scores on both courses or if no one is unable to beat my score by the end of the week on each weekly challenge as I showed in the previous screenshots, then I will receive $10,000,000 in total ($5,000,000 per Golf course).

Also, my advice is to use a 15cm ruler and place it on your screen to line up each shot as I even struggle to get some shots accurately without a ruler so why should you?

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