



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!

Kazuha's Blogs

Update notes, Guides, Tips & Tricks, Services and more.

Request your own Forum Signature

Acceonit Acceonit 15/08/2022
51 41 1178
Greetings! I have made this blog post since a lot of users have struggles and difficulties creating their own forum signature, so you can just request it in the comments section and I'll do the work for you with no costs at all, but to avoid spam follow this format to request your own forum signature.


Advanced Crash Codes & Fixes - Part 2

Acceonit Acceonit 20/06/2022
11 28 4661
Hi again this the part 2 of advanced crash codes & fixes, I couldn't complete it in the first part because the limit for words is 50.000, anyways here goes nothing... press CTRL + F at the same time to find a specific code in this blog post, anyways I made this blog post for the players who can't...

Advanced Crash Codes & Fixes - Part 1

Acceonit Acceonit 20/06/2022
4 23 6234
Hello again, My deepest apology for not posting anything hence this blog post took me nearly a month, anyways this is another part of the crash code & fixes, an advanced one I must say, however, make sure to check the first part to find the basic ones, press CTRL + F at the same time to find a specific...

Basic Crash Codes & Fixes

Acceonit Acceonit 06/06/2022
7 35 1871
Greetings! Players, Today I will post about each Crash code and how to fix it, however the first thing to do to get rid of crashes is to remove modifications as anyone know.

Recently I have seen many threads with problems of crashes and identifying them and finding a solution however that's...

Arcade Games

Acceonit Acceonit 21/05/2022
7 27 400
Greetings everyone with another blogpost, Today's blogpost will be about Arcade Games there are some posts for such games like Shell Game or Kitty Claw check them if you want to anyways let's start


Now QUB3D game...

Custom Fonts

Acceonit Acceonit 10/05/2022
16 43 935
Greetings! everyone today I shall make a blogpost about on how to change your SA:MP client font, Let's get started

Let's say sometime we customize our chat with such commands like /fontsize and /pagesize but sometime we also want to edit the font as well, That's why I made this blogpost,...

Stalls Location

Acceonit Acceonit 08/05/2022
18 39 607
Greetings! Today's blogpost will be all about Stalls, Let's start

First of all stall also known as Espresso-2-Go is a stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods like Ammu-Boxes, Meth, Cocaine, Counterfeit Chips, Meth for a custom price, You can find stalls in lot public locations,...

Meme Review

Acceonit Acceonit 07/04/2022
5 23 309
Yup ladies and gentlemens a blogpost about memes of WTLS I decided to create a blogpost about it Inspired by Cidla's blogpost, Press Like and enjoy


Forum Titles

Acceonit Acceonit 03/04/2022
12 66 1335
Hello everyone with another blogpost today I will post blog about Website Titles and how to obtain them, In order to unlock some titles you have to complete some Achievements, So let's start
But I would like to thank many players for their effort to help me setting up this blogpost also was requested...

Website BBCode

Acceonit Acceonit 27/02/2022
28 60 1267
Hello everyone sorry for no posting nothing in the past few weeks today's blogpost I will explain the Website BBCode Since you can use codes to customize your text and add images and other stuff So Let's start

First of all let me explain what's the Definition of BBCode ("Bulletin...

Random Packages

Acceonit Acceonit 06/02/2022
25 54 1187
Hi everyone with another blogpost and it's about random package despite people not knowing rarity of getting items and type of them I decided to create this blogpost
but first I want to give huge thanks to R3tive for helping me creating this blogpost

So to purchase random package there are...

Fish Species

Acceonit Acceonit 06/02/2022
9 35 603
Hello everyone with another blogpost, Today's blogpost will about classifying each fish species' rarity and other information such as weight, location, name etc. by the following format:

Frequent: ⭐⭐
Rare: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Very rare: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Shell Game

Acceonit Acceonit 23/01/2022
7 29 377
Hello everyone with another blogpost, Today's blog will be about the new minigame Shell Game

Now for those who still don't know what Shell Game also known as thimblerig, three shells and a pea, the old army game and it's often portrayed as a gambling game, but in reality, when...

Kitty Claw

Acceonit Acceonit 07/01/2022
21 37 512
Hello everyone with another blogpost sorry about not posting nothing in the past weeks, Today's blogpost will be about Kitty Claw

Now many players has been asking how to play Kitty claw game and why to play it, Well you can win items and bringing the old feeling of Klaw Crane arcade game, Now...

Epsilon Program

Acceonit Acceonit 11/12/2021
39 116 1870
Hello everyone with another blogpost about the recent update Epsilon Program with this update you can find lot benefits and useful things which can be used, KIFFLOM
Before starting I would like to give a huge thanks to REDACTED and Sysko, RaiYou for their help

[size=250]How to become an Epsilon member[/size]



Acceonit Acceonit 06/12/2021
6 19 385
Hello everyone with another post about Computers but before starting there is already post about it but there is new sites hadn’t introduced yet that’s why I'm providing this blog to you

Computer is an easy way to buy, sell some useful things such as Vehicles, Weapons, Shares etc.

Main Page

Storage Lockers | Pawn Shop

Acceonit Acceonit 02/12/2021
4 25 566
Hello Everyone Happy Christmas
again with another blogpost about Pawn Shop and Storage Wars now Pawn Shop has released before Storage lockers but there wasn't any item to sell to back in the days only These items can be sold(Antiques, Diamonds, Electronic Goods and Bullion) currently there are...

Solution to 'Unable to execute'

Acceonit Acceonit 30/11/2021
0 5 1513
Hi everyone again with another blog about how to fix 'unable to execute' problem in SAMP Client because lot players facing this problem lately so let's start

First to ask why this happens?

So some people facing huge amount of crashes and first solution for that is to change compatibility...

Drug Base

Acceonit Acceonit 25/11/2021
5 35 913
Drug Base is a Popular update which released at February 26th 2021 bringing a game of strategy to the server which will enable plenty of opportunities, fun and of course Money

How it Works?

So there is 275 Hood in all the 3 cities Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Ventures in order to buy a hood...

Datacenter | CryptoCurrency

Acceonit Acceonit 23/11/2021
13 35 800
Datacenter is a new update which released 15th July 2021 bringing Crypto currency to our Server however i started to see lot players asking how you can mine crypto with datacenter that's why im providing this blog post

Qoute from niCe

With this new update, players will be able to purchase...
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