Hello everyone, and welcome to another interview! After 6 months of not interviewing anyone, I am finally back and ready to publish more. For this interview, I've prepared a member of the administration team - Tarzan27!
1. Hello! Welcome, and thank you for accepting my offer to be interviewed! After 6 months of not interviewing anyone, I am very glad that we managed to get to this. Could you give us a quick introduction, so that we know who we are speaking with?
Hello, thanks for the invitation. My name is Valentin, I'm 18 years old and I live in Bulgaria.
2. I am curious about the nickname that you use on our servers - Tarzan27. How did you come up with it and what made you stick with it? Is it related to the famous fictional character? :D Also, why the numbers?
An interesting and frequently asked question. Some years ago I did not have a permanent nickname and after I decided to change it to one, I just consulted with my brother zoNda52 and he invented it for me. And the numbers? 27 is my little sister's birthday.
3. Do you use this nickname also in other places (excluding WTLS)? Can we say that your current nickname is solid and that you won't change it in the near future?
No, I don't use it in other places because I stopped playing other games a long time ago. There is a chance to change it to another if one day I decide to play and others do not want to know about me.
4. So except for GTA: SAMP, there are no other games you play? As far as I know, the older we get, the more "bored" we can get of certain video games. Is this the case?
Yes, you got me right, I don't play other games. I don't know exactly what the reason is, but I am not interested in playing computer games anymore.
5. If we take a step back to the past, what games did you use to play? Did you have any favorite ones?
I played a lot of games. But some of my favorites were GTA V, CS:GO, Rocket League, Minecraft and Speed Runners.
6. Before I ask you questions about what brought you to our server, I would like to know, what brought you to GTA games in general?
Obviously, I will answer these two questions at once. When I was 10, I secretly took my laptop from home and brought it to school to play with friends. Two of them used to play on this server and wanted to download the game, including samp. After they did it and I came home they sent me an IP of Server 1 on the "Skype" app if you still remember it and we started playing there. And before that I also played GTA but on my mother's friend's computer.
7. Woah, so you've first found out about the servers 8 years ago? That's amazing. Well, 8 years later and you are still playing here, on english servers, now as a part of the staff team. You've said that you stopped playing games a long time ago, but you still stick to SA-MP and WTLS. Why? What is keeping you playing on the servers?
When I was young boy, I only played Minecraft and SAMP on the server. I feel it as my childhood and home. It has helped me forget stuff in very difficult times of my life. And yet, if I leave again one day, there is always a chance that I will return. The last time I came back to the server, the reason was to suppress my drug addiction and I did it successfully. I am not ashamed to say it. Do not do drugs. They ruin not only your life but those close people around you too.
8. Congratulations, I am glad that you suppressed it successfully and I am also glad that you see SAMP that way and thus I must ask. What is your favorite thing to do on the servers? If you ever come online, how do you tend to spend your time?
I'm known to be a fighter and gang boss of Aztecas, that's what I do most of the time playing. If one day I join again I will chat with my old friends and will fight again. I picked Aztecas because when I registered on Server 3, my brother was already a gang boss there, I liked the color and also because I am part of the football propaganda hooligans of Levski Sofia 1914 and their color is blue.
9. As I've mentioned before, you are currently a part of the staff team, an administrator. Could you tell us your journey to this position?
I became part of the staff team in 2018 but left two or three times. After returning as a helper in 2020, I played without interruption for 4 months and in 2021 I was promoted to Moderator and then Admin. I have always wanted to accomplish this even if I thought it was impossible because I used to be a problem player.
10. Can you describe what do you mean by "problem player"? Do you mean it as someone who used to get muted a lot, or someone who used to cheat on the servers (in your case)?
I can describe it as many things. I was muted almost every day for 10 hours. I've been banned for scams, glitches and teaming with another player in events.
11. It's amazing how someone who used to get punished a lot, managed to change and ended up joining the administration team. What gave you the inspiration to change and be a better person on the servers?
I just decided so. And after I joined the staff team, I changed completely.
12. So how was your startup in the admin team? Given how many new commands, responsibilities you were introduced to. Was there someone who took your under their wing and teached you all the stuff ?
To be honest, it was quite difficult for me at the beginning. Yes, there were admins who took me under their wing and helped me with a lot of things, they also helped me reach this position. Thanks to: Parker, HoLY, Osama, R3kT, C3nT, Iverson3, DirolL, Pwn3d and MrTerminator.
13. I've recently noticed you building a lot of maps, some of them were even meant and used for Christmas Party that took place on 23rd. Can we therefore assume that building maps is your new favorite hobby on the server and that we can look forward to some new maps?
Yes, you can expect new maps very soon. I'm still learning but I'm thinking of making a big city for TDM.
14. In-games questions aside, let's move onto personal life. How do you tend to spend your free time nowadays? do you have any interests or hobbies?
In my free time I like to go out, record music, and, as I said look for fights with the enemy football team. I also recently passed a driver's license and drive a lot.
15. I've never met someone who records music before, thus I must ask. What kind of music do you record? How did you get into recording music in general?
I record rap music, a love genre and a street genre. It all started as a child, I wrote down rhymes and expressed my feelings written in a notebook, and after a while I decided to record my first song that many friends in-game listened to. Then I continued with the songs and now after a year and half many people know me in Bulgaria, but in the music videos I am wearing a robber mask and here on the website I have shared my photos and I would not like to reveal myself.
16. I understand. Wish you all the best with it! So, do you do music recording all alone, or are you collaborating with someone?
At first I was completely alone but after a while I met a lot of people in the music field they started to help me and I have about seven songs with different artists.
17. What kind of vehicle would you want to drive in the future, and why?
At the moment I don't drive such a bad car(Audi A3 2001), but after some months when I move to Germany and earn enough money I’d like to start my own business in Bulgaria, and as a last priority after all this I want to buy „BMW F10 528 xi 4x4 (2016)" because I have already driven such a car for even a few hours and I was amazed.
18. Woah, amazing. I never even knew that we had someone in the AT who planned to start their own business. Two questions. Will your business be related to music, again? And haven't you thought about moving abroad and starting your business in the US, Denmark or Singapore, for example? Since all these countries are a good place to start.
I don't think I would start a music business. I am more attracted to clothes and I would like to open a branded clothing store. Yes, I was thinking of opening a store in the US but I will have to work a little harder because it's more expensive there. I like Bulgaria as a country because it is beautiful and we have a wonderful history, but our economy is very bad and the authorities are corrupt. In time, if my dream comes true, I would like to move to Las Vegas or California.
19. Did you always want to start a business like this?
Yes. Street wear.
20. Starting a business and being successful among the competition is tough work. Thus I wish you a good luck with all that! Another year has passed, another year comes. How did you celebrate the New Year and Christmas?
This year has been quite difficult for me, especially with my drug addiction, and I have lost a lot of friends in accidents. Unlike previous years, this Christmas I was only with my girlfriend and on New Year's Eve with my parents.
21. May I know, how did your drug addiction start? As far as I know, drug addiction is one of the toughest things to battle therefore I would also like to know what is your current state with it.
Yes, that's right. This is one of my vices and it was very difficult for me to stop them because I tried at least 4 times. I used to take drugs every day for months, but as I said, after I returned to SAMP I stopped taking them. I no longer really have such a desire as before and possibly at a party I would take again, but for fun and not to not sleep 5 days as before.
22. It's good that your situation with them is getting better and I hope that you will be able to get rid of them completely. What is your opinion on this entire corona virus situation? I expected it to get better the past year, but it only got worse in our country. What about your country? How did it affect you and your life?
The situation with us is very bad. And I thought that everything will be fine, but obviously not and this is just the beginning. As I read, a new virus, Omicron, came out, which will last for years like Covid, and we will be like that for a long time. I was vaccinated for one reason only and that was that I will go to Germany.
23. I see. Why Germany specifically?
Because they have a good economy and I have read about their country.
24. Alright. One last question and we are done. What do you think about the interviews blog? Have you read any of it's interviews? Have you got any suggestions on how to improve it?
Yes, I read all the interviews with interest. I don't think you have to improve it because you're doing great. Thanks for the interview. I hope the other players found it interesting too.
Thank you so much for participating in this interview, I wish you good luck and health for the upcoming year!
Thanks for reading :)
Keep going