Hello everyone. It's been a while since the last interview. For this interview i've picked an administrator called IwAn. Aaand for the lucky ones - here is a voucher FKEIMDPEMOMFK. Enjoy the interview!
This text is displayed only for administrators
1. Welcome to today's interview! Most of us already know you but for those who don't, could you introduce yourself to them?
Hello, my name is IwAn. To be honest, I’m not sure when exactly i started playing because i made a web account and linked my ingame account once I found out you could purchase things from /shop, but lets assume it was something around 2013. I am a staff member since January 2017, and I really enjoy/appreciate the duty I have . I never regret a single minute I spent on this server, as it basically spiked the love I have for computers and computer science, and most importantly, improved my English a lot. I still love playing on WTLS, but I feel like other games take big part of my time too.
2. As you stated - you used to play on WTLS before. Tell us something about your past
Well yeah, I basically grew up with this game. At the start, I used to be that toxic kid who barely speaks English and keeps attacking you ingame just to get shot with minigun in the face. I really didn’t care about what others think about me, I was just playing with my IRL friends who had the exact same attitude as me, that’s why I didn’t see anything bad in being toxic. Once I separated from them and started playing for myself, I met new people and that’s what made me change, I looked up to them. From this point forward, I started improving myself as a player and slowly making my name more and more respected in the server. It took me a while to do that because not everyone was able to change their opinion for me due to my toxic past. This was the main reason I decided to switch to s3 for a while. I met very cool people and friends that I still speak with to this day, they helped me learn new things and become a better me. After approximately a year, I was promoted to helper. This is what really changed me. I started behaving maturely, as every staff member is supposed to do. I had some ups and downs while being a helper but I’ve never been demoted a single time since the date I mentioned earlier. I’ve always been a dedicated staff member which allowed me to be on the position I am today – Administrator.
3. How did you find out about WTLS?
This would be an easy question, I was invited from my IRL friends to play with them. They told me about the gang system and the police job which really got me excited, so when I joined I got addicted very quickly and here am I, 5-6 years later, still playing and writing this long ass essay which has probably more words than all my school essays combined together. the real thing which keeps me playing is the server and its unique features that you cannot see anywhere else. I got really connected with the community we have and built over the years , which to my surprise, instead of dying as the game gets older and older, is basically skyrocketing and reaching amounts of players we have rarely seen before !
4. Was WTLS your first server? Did you try any other servers before WTLS?
Yes it was, I tried switching to other serves in the past but something was missing, I would easily get bored playing and just log in back on WTLS. Cheaters are big problem for other servers too. We have easily the most advanced AntiCheat ever built for SA-MP with one of the best staff teams which you could find. Nothing is perfect of course, but with the right amount of time and dedication it could be improved for the better. The time niCe spent building this server and how it works is simply insane. We often get bad feedback about how the AntiCheat works, but let me tell you something, this game is old, if you can manage to get cheated money on GTA 5 without getting banned and you can’t do that on a game that’s 2-3 versions older, you should be happy. We continue to fight against cheaters and keep improving our systems based on player’s feedback. Keeping the servers clean is and will remain our main priority.
5. What do you like to do when you are online?
Currently my main priority on the server is doing my job as an admin. Whenever I login, I firstly check all the reports. After that is finished, I like driving around and chatting with my friends. Another thing I still to this day enjoy is gang wars. My passion for fighting remained the same since day 1, however I still think some people haven’t realized that at the end of the day, it’s a game and everything you do is just for fun. I don’t really enjoy working or doing jobs as I don’t see it really profitable. I mainly make my money from flipping webmoney and cars. This is basically buying a lot USD for cheaper and selling them 1 by 1 for more than you bought them for. Same goes with cars, houses, expensive guns such as RPG/Minigun and everything else you could profit from. Apart from all this, I enjoy working on the Radio station I have. I constantly update it with new popular songs. I sometimes stream live on the station so I could pick my own songs currently playing or let the players pick their own songs for a while. I have my Radio for over a year and im really glad of the support you guys show. My Radio is the most listened Radio on both s2 and s3 for over a year!
6. Can you tell us more information about your radio? Why did you want to make your own radio? Can you tell us how did you do it?
Well, i simply love music, so i thought, why not making a Radio Station for myself and the players of WTLS. It took me a while to figure it out, but eventually i did it. Eventho i made a radio station, it wasnt instantly added to the /radio list in the game, perhaps you needed to paste the custom link yourself. After some time, my Radio was finally added to the /radio list, so i started gaining serious amount of listeners on all 4 servers. Since the first day, it still has the most amount of listeners on s2 and s3. In this picture, you can see the amount of time players spent listening the past 48 hours, the amount of listeners i had and the amount of unique countries that my radio was streamed in.
7. Which gang is your favorite and why?
I just join whatever gang is nearest to the place im currently at. I do not have a main gang and I never had one.
8. Alot of players hate the current player community. Do you think that the community used to be better?
They cannot say they hate the community because if they do so, they basically hate themselves as they are part of it. You could like or dislike certain group of players but that’s only a personal point of view. Yes, the community changed a lot over the years, some old and good players left but we also got new players who brought positivity into the servers. I personally like the old 2014-15 community more, I just feel like people used to be way more friendly back in the days. But everything is unique, as stated earlier, some might prefer the current one over the old one. It’s a personal decision really, new players don’t know how things used to be in the past so they have nothing to compare the current community with.
9. How do you spend money on the server?
I mostly spend my money on Minigun. I would not consider buying an expensive house/vehicle as “spent money” because you could easily get it back by simply selling it again. What really drains your money is minigun. You pay a lot, yet you waste it really quickly. On s2, 1 minigun bullet costs around 7k, when you think about it, you need 5 bullets to kill a player standing still without moving, so you basically spend at least 35k just to kill one player. I also like buying house upgrades from /shop. Military vehicles, mainly Hunters take a big part of my money spending too. And last but not least, I like giving new players a lot of money, houses and some cars. You can make someone happy with just 100k, you can buy him a house and give him a cool painted car with nitro and cool tires. Its really important that we help new players understand how our server works, so they could stay and play for longer time instead of them quitting because someone killed them for no reason.
10. Have you ever been a part of a clan?
Yes, ive been in many clans before. Joining a clan has always been a cool thing to do on s2. Fighting as a group against another group of players is a really fun thing to do, as both of them compete for dominance. The last clan I joined was probably EU, back in 2016 we used to be the most popular clan on the server. Here is a littlethrowback
11. How do you see the future of WTLS?
Well I cannot really say that as no one can for sure predict how things will be. For now everything is fine, but everything has to end at some point, every end is a new beginning and every new beginning is a new end :)
12. Do you remember any of the old players?
Yeah of course! They used to be an example to many players who were looking up to them. Im not going to mention names but some of them still play and some left. Mainly cool players, I spoke with most of them via TeamSpeak/Skype and met some IRL too. One of them is iNikkz, I met him on s3, he left SAMP but we kept playing different games together, now we go to the same gym and shopping together, crazy isn’t it ?
13. What about you and your admin position? Why did you want to become a member of the staff?
Oh well, it’s a long story but ill try to make it as short as possible. As I said, I was not the best player you could find on the server. When I realized I wanted to become a staff member, I started changing myself. Eventho I did my best, I was still a bad person in someone’s eyes. That’s why I decided to switch to s3 for a while, start myself a new career with people ive never met before. I had a lot fun playing there but meanwhile I was working on my goals too. I was helping people all the time so the current admin team at that time could see a potential in me. It took me a long time to get promoted but hey, I eventually got promoted to helper by Isaac,Hoodie and Theseus. I was really thankful for the chance that was given to me as now I was able to prove everyone I can benefit the server from being a staff member. It took me another year of hard work as a helper to get promoted to Moderator. When you reach this point things change, you need to focus more as its not as easy as you firstly think. It takes some time to get used to how things work, but you eventually figure it out after a while. From this point forward, all you need to reach the higher rank (Administrator) is hard work. So there am I, Administrator on s2 and s3 after nearly 3 years of hard work since January 2017.
14. Who helped you with the moderator position the most?
Isaac, DonPlaya and Shaun where the guys who showed me how to do most of the things. The rest just takes time to learn and I eventually figured out everything myself. Im really thankful for their help as I needed it a lot in my starting days.
15. Do you like working with the other administrators? What do you think about them?
Yeah, I enjoy working and communicating with other staff members, teamwork makes the dreamwork ! Whenever you are unsure about something, you can always ask for help and vice versa, when they need help they can freely ask you for anything. That’s how things work, teamwork is the key to success !
16. What do you think about the current helper team?
To be honest, in my opinion the helper team we used to have in the past was way better than the current one. Im not saying they are bad but they simply cant be matched with the one we used to have. Imagine all the Admins we have today being helpers, we all started there and where we all are now is thanks to our hard work. Being a helper doesn’t always mean you are the best of the best, it leaves room for improvement. Mistakes can be done, but that’s how you are supposed to improve, learn from them.
17. What do you think about the lead manager - niCe?
He is definitely a person I respect a lot. The time he spends working on the servers is insane. He is an example that shows if you work hard on something and dedicate yourself for the things you like, you will succeed at one point. Overall, great manager who has a lot knowledge.
18. How do you spend your free time in real life?
Well, I mostly spend my free time playing video games, but sometimes I really get bored from the computer so I go out and spend a lot money on clothes. I go to the gym daily so that takes 2hrs+ of my day too. Overall nothing special tbh.
19. What kind of video games do you play?
Besides SAMP, I mostly spend my time playing CS:GO, GTA V, Fortnite, Rust and League of Legends. I switch between these games, but I also like trying out new games which have the potential to become famous.
20. Do you work or study?
I do both of them. Im studying in a local highschool, and work from home. I do not dedicate myself way too much to school, because I don’t feel like I should spend my time and knowledge working for someone else, instead for myself.
21. Have you got any dreams that you want to accomplish?
Of course I do, who doesn’t? What would be the point of living if its not about chasing your dreams and achieving things they told you cant. I would like to be successful in whatever I decide to work on in the future. But the point is that everyone can wish and dream about things, however no one except you can turn them to reality, so hard work and a lot dedication is needed.
22. Have you got a favorite music genre?
Hell yea, music influences my mood a lot. My favorite genres are Rap and Electronic music. I like listening to the newer generation of popular songs but I also respect the old ones. I grew up listening to Jon Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Guns&Roses but I decided to switch. Lets be honest, who plays ACDC on a party nowadays? This was the reason I started listening newish songs. At the moment, my fav. artists are Lil Skies, Juice WRLD, Trippie Redd and MachineGunKelly .
This is a song i respect a lot, it has good lyrics, and a real story.
23. Have you played some kind of a sport before?
Yes, I actually used to train Karate, I was really good at it, I would always win, go on tournaments all over Europe and the Balkan Countries, but i gave up because I got really bored due to some issues we had in the team. I lost the love I had for the sport, this could’ve been the biggest mistake I have done till this day. I was only 10-11 when I quit, so I cannot blame myself fully for not thinking properly. From this point, I tried switching to Football, but it was mainly only for fun. Recently i started going to the Gym and run/workout a lot. That’s how I keep myself healthy and in a good shape. Sneakpeak of how I used to fight back in the day (disclaimer: This is not UFC) :D
Im the one with the Blue belt
24. What about movies? Do you watch movies? What is your favorite movie?
Well, i do enjoy watching movies but im not a diehard Marvel fan or something. I like watching movies which only have 1 part, you sit down and fully watch it. I don’t like waiting years just to see what happens in the next movie lol. I do not have a favorite movie because as I said, I rarely watch multiple movies within short period of time, so I cannot really compare them one to each other.
25. Do you prefer movies or books?
Movies, im simply cant spend that much time reading. Not that reading is not fun, but simply not my type.
26. What about traveling? Do you like to travel?
I do like traveling, I mostly visit countries near me like Greece and Bulgaria, but I also visit some popular places around the world at least once per year.
27. Is there something that you would like to change in your life?
Well not really, I think its good as it is, however I of course plan on becoming better “myself” in the future, but at the moment I think everything is fine.
28. What do you think about the newly announced Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC?
Ive never played it, and honestly i dont know anything about it except the fact that its from Rockstar
29. What do you think about the official gta-multiplayer.cz website?
It is truly amazing how it works, the systems are amazing and its well synchronized with our game servers. Its an advanced forum which works perfectly. There are so many cool features on it.
30. What is your favorite feature on the web?
Well, to be honest, the ability to upload videos on web. Ever since i was a new player, i wanted to record my gameplay and share it with others. To this day i still enjoy making videos from our servers and uploading them to YouTube and our website. I love the feedback i get on my videos.
31. Have you read any of my interviews? What do you think about them?
Yeah, ive read some interviews, i really like the idea, as it gives everyone a chance to express the experience they have had on our servers.
32. Is there something that you would like to change on these interviews?
Not really, i think they are really good as they are, but maybe in the future, do a voice interview perhaps ? Im sure most of the people get bored reading these long texts
Alright. That is all for this interview. Thank you so much for your time and I wish you all the best in the future!
Thank you for reading. Let me know that who would you like to see in the next interview in the comments!
But yeah its cool to get to meet a cool admin like IwAn :3