




Interview with Administrator Alpha79

TheArrow TheArrow 19/03/2022
Greetings everyone!
I know that its been to long since I've posted an Interview cause I was stuck with my studies and exams but as I'm free now, so we planned some awesome interviews which I'll upload in upcoming days and I won't let you down this time with delays, so today our guest is Administrator Alpha79!

1. Hello there, first of all I would like to thank you for accepting my invite to take an interview!

-Hello, you're more than welcome my boy!

2. So, as usual with each and every interviews, would you please quickly Introduce yourself to the majority of readers who don't know you yet?
-My name is Alpha79, mostly active on s2 and currently an administrator on English servers and also I'm 20 years old.

3. I was going through your web profile and saw that you started playing on this server in 2017, so can you describe some major changes (Good and bad both) in server according to you?
-Well, I've started playing on WTLS servers since 2014, but I was able to find out how to link my account on web and save my stats on 05/01/2017, anyways, back to the topic I've seen a lot of changes here like before if I'm not mistaken for example you can get police cheetah only when you achieve 5000 skills on police job and also it was hard to earn money at that time and having a fully tuned cars especially Sandking but now as you can see making money is hella easy by doing heists, ceo work (best changes I have ever seen since I joined here) + few jobs.

4. Oh, so according to my calculation, you started playing on WTLS when you were 12 years old? so out of curiosity, when and how did you started playing online games in-particular and which one was your first game?
-Yes , I started playing on WTLS when I was 12 y/o and my first online game was SA-MP, I wasn't addicted to games but sadly all of my friends were camping all day long at their houses so I was forced to play computer games like nfs 2005, gta sa, etc... , after a while I heard them talking about SAMP and how they were able to meet and do some activities together. Not gonna lie here but I was like wtf I can meet my friends in a game? so since then I've started playing on random SAMP servers until I found WTLS.

5. Well, that sounds pretty interesting, so before go more deep into your journey, can you tell us something about you in real? Do you work or study or both?
-I'm currently studying computer science and I want to become a Great Software Developer in the near future.

6. Well, its true that computer science is the most populated field of choice for many students and its kind of populated too but why did you chose this line? (any particular reason if-any)
-Well, back when I was 14 y/o I've joined a robotic club to learn how to build a robot. So, to make that possible I used to learn mechanics, electronics and robotics programming. After learning those things, I found out that programming is the easiest one of them, so since then I kept learning other programming languages until I found out myself here as a computer science student.

7. That's pretty amazing, so, what you do when you get some spare time and in-short, do you have any hobbies or activities which you love to do in that time?
-Yes I do, I pass my free time by doing some workout at the GYM or by hanging around with friends.

8. Lets start with your game journey now, as you said that you started playing here in 2014 and your friends introduced to SAMP, so I want to ask about the first impression of server on you and how was server back then? less players and not much staff members or the opposite?
-As I can remember when I joined, I started doing trucker job and kept following my friends tbh I had so much fun while doing this. 2 months later we found out a new job called "drug courier " and we were like wtf 16k payout? we're going to be rich "VROOOOO", about the players average it was between 50-150 and the staff members most of them left or perma banned.

9. Oh, you used to grind each and every jobs so probably you might have over 500 skills in each one of them? and did you had or have any goal on server or just go with the /bonus flow and staff work?
-Yes, I have more than 500 skills in each one of them, before I was trying to purchase rare houses and make my own Ft cars collection so for now it looks like I've achieved this goal.

10. So, I was going through your forum posts and found out that you didn't even got banned once and your first forum post was on --Apply for helper-- thread, so is that true or you got banned when you didn't even knew about /web?
-yes, I have never been banned before, even before registering on web.

11. That's a pretty clean background, now lets talk about your journey in staff team so, according to your forum posts, you applied for 6 times and got selected while your 7th try and became one on 15/09/2019, so who or what inspired you to join staff team and apply for helper? cause your 7 tries shows that you didn't gave up on it so easily.
-Back to that time and before applying for helper position I was working security at lv where I met fox96 and inSiDe, so while we were working I was helping players on main chat and talking to fox96 via pms since we are from the same country, anyway he said "did you apply for helper?" so since then I've asked him how to and gave it a shot, but as you said I kept applying until I got promoted.

12. How was the feeling when you saw that message for the first time after struggling for around 10 months and 7 tries?
-To be honest, the day when I received a message "Do you want to join helpers team?", I was kinda out of the mood due to some personal reasons but I'm still thankful to be a part of team.

13. Oh, how long did it took for you to become a moderator? and becoming a mod comes with a lot of responsibilities and everyone said that it was hard but other staff members who helped them made it easy, so who were those other staff members who helped you at that time and what's your comment on this and how hard was it for you?
-After 8 months of being helper, I got promoted to the moderator position. So, as I can remember MaNiti., fox96, Deanen and few others were helping and guiding me with commands. This experience wasn't that hard for me since I've got the answers whenever I ask.

14. And, what about becoming an Administrator? when did that happen and how was it like, hard or very similar to moderator?
-I got promoted to admin position on 02/01/2021 and it was like the fun has just began vro since I'm able to create my own maps and it wasn't that hard, let's say it was very similar to moderator.

15. Yep Indeed, so apart from staff work, what do you do these days like any grind and what you do for earning? since you got 408M currently.
-For now, I'm just doing security guard job, few heists and turfing.

16. Okay, so you go according to the /bonus flow, don't you? and out of curiosity, what are the best activities for you on server and which one you did the most?
-Most of the time I stay active on nights and sadly my friends are away from the server, so I start roaming around checking if there is any newspaper event or I just join gang and start killing people, as you know the only way to kill people several times without getting kicked.

17. We talked about earning so lemme ask you about your spending, how do you spend your money or how you would love to spend them? like some players buy colored emergency vehicles or normal ones, some of them buy houses (just for flexing), some of them waste their money on random packages and rest of them use their money for weapons, so which one of them is your category or you are like the one who love to keep money instead of assets?
-I've tried all the weird ways of spending xD, bought a lot of randoms (and got no single emergency car) but a lot of premium and by a lot i mean +year. I bought coloured emergency cars too which I'm not using them and got no idea why. So, for now am just buying MG and renewing my houses.

18. I've always wondered if being an admin could change or teach a person something useful that can also be beneficial in real life, such as being able to handle responsibilities, work in a team, cooperate with other people and face difficult challenges, because this is something that you have to deal with as an administrator quite often, so did working as an administrator, change you in any way, as a person?
-Well yes maybe the important thing that I've learnt is how to work as a team, before taking decision you should ask your teammates about their opinion and am pretty sure by doing this, mistakes won't happens.

19. If you don't mind, shall we go deeper into your real life before ending this interview?
- Yes, why not?!

20. So, In which field you got interest in computer science after bachelors, and if you got a chance to choose a company for job in then which it would be? (in-short your dream company you wanna work for (if-any)) or you wanna start your own start-up?
-One of the hardest questions for me, to be honest I got no idea what I want to be or even which company I want to join, all I know that I have to make a decision as soon as possible.

21. Indeed, and good luck with that! Another thing is that your field is computer science so you have to work on desk everytime, so how do you maintain your health?
-True, most of the time I'm coding on desk and sometimes I face some back pain too xD. And, about the health issue, I go to the GYM daily since I've started coaching this year so I'm physically healthy.

22. Good that you are doing some physical activities too or else your health would not be that good, and we reached at the end of our interview without even noticing it, so would you like to conclude something before we pack this up?
-So, before ending this I want to thank you for this dope interview and for giving me a chance to talk about myself and another thing that there is a voucher too somewhere in my interview so good luck finding it if you haven't already. See you soon.

Favourite vehicle: Turismo.
Favourite event: Hunter raid.
Favourite place on server: Willowfield.
Favourite color: cyan(155).
Favourite weapons: sniper, mg.
Favourite feature on server: tints on back.

As usual, that's it for this Interview and I hope you liked it, and don't forget to like and comment, see you guys in next interview, have a great day!

Other Interviews

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Comments (28)

Alpha79 Administrator Epic player Level 120 30/07/2023 07:28 PM
Out of all the other interviews, idk why i feel like Alpha is just like me, maybe because i started playing when i was a 12 y/o or because we have the same ambition. I got the confidence for becoming a staff member now! I know that I am kind of late, but I truly wish all the best for you.
welp , it was hard to read all this text being a non-english guy but good interviewthanks pal
VictorDolar Legendary player Level 61 04/10/2022 10:48 PM
welp , it was hard to read all this text being a non-english guy but good interview
Train Level 55 14/08/2022 09:42 PM
Out of all the other interviews, idk why i feel like Alpha is just like me, maybe because i started playing when i was a 12 y/o or because we have the same ambition. I got the confidence for becoming a staff member now!
FeRoNiK Level 40 31/05/2022 09:38 PM
Amazing İnterview, Good Luck in your real life dude
//Alpha79: thanks vro
ShikiBaya Nobody Special Level 45 25/03/2022 03:55 AM
Great interview good luck Alpha
//Alpha79:thanks fam
xNelson Legendary player Level 136 24/03/2022 11:44 PM
Great Interview man
I'm proud of you
//Alpha79:thanks brother
Imed Pickpocket Level 38 24/03/2022 11:02 AM
Great interview Alpha
MaDMaX12 Legendary player Level 59 23/03/2022 03:21 PM
nice interview
Ruin3R Level 63 21/03/2022 07:30 PM
Flokii Capo Level 84 21/03/2022 04:05 PM
I feel like to be interviewed again lmao.

Show comments 11-20 of 28