I am willing to take suggestions, advices and feedback for the next version, so join my discord to socialize or if you need support: https://discord.gg/TpmqtPx
Till this day, I never actually saw someone exactly demonstrate how to "make signatures," but it is mostly your imagination of how you want it to look. Once you understand the basics of Photoshop, you can pretty much create whatever you want. You can make a GIF as your signature,...
Well after making a blog post about ENB V2.1, the blog kinda went dead because i really lost motivation in modding this game. It became extremely repetitive and I soon moved on to GTA V and started with ReShade.
If you wanna check out my flickr album with all my GTA...
Blog kinda went half dead, but i'm making a new ENB. Still fixing up the timecyc and some Sweetfx settings. And no, its not going to be low end lol, maybe i'm a faggot. Night is pretty much the same as the old ENB, but the foggy, rainy, and mid day colors are different. Short video i just...
[Center] So if you go around on google and search for "how to make an panoramic image gta sa" most of them will just tell you to use Photoshop's automated feature called photomerge. While it does work, not everybody has Photoshop, and besides, it sometimes might...
Some panorama images i took. If you notice like a "bend", idk how you fix that, maybe its because my camera angle is not fully horozontal but fuck it. Might make a tutorial on how to take one, if you guys want me to.
Saw some cool pics with wet reflections on gtaforums so I asked that dude and helped me with it ;D Using wet textures from platinum ENB and reflection settings from MMGE 2
Okay so this is kinda off topic on my blog but i think this is pretty cool to have a signature that links to another page. Here's a GIF that shows it in action.
So i was playing around with signatures and had this idea to make it link to another page,...
Well technically its not "mine" since its based off of someone else's but i made nights darker and changed some colors in the early morning. I made all the weathers the same except rain because were really shit PS: ENB was supposed to be released 20 days ago but i kept changing things...
Has high poly pipes=actually circle pipes=no more blocky ass looking pipes I didnt really like how the textures came out to be because i was lazy to fix the UVW mapping. I might make a version with just high poly pipes with default textures cus honestly i dont think it looks good. Give...
Check this shit out fam, MMGE 3 looks amazing as hell, didnt know it was gonna come out that quick was expecting till next year but it just got released like 1 hour ago Click on this link to check it out : here
Click here to see the full thread. I recently found this cool thread with has some error codes that you get from a crash. It tells you what the cause to the crash is and the fix too so its pretty helpful. Although you usually don't get this if your on a clean game,...