




English WTLS Awards 2022 - final blog

English WTLS Awards
Biron Biron 21/01/2023
Hello everyone and welcome to the final blog for the English WTLS Awards 2022, where the category winners will be announced.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank once again all the players who chose to submit their nominations and who took part in the subsequent voting. Every single poll was always attended by at least 150 players, in one case almost 230.

I would also like to thank all the members of the admin team for their ongoing help and for creating the rewards for the winners.

To be honest, the organization of this event was quite chaotic. There were a lot of problems that had to be solved continuously, either during the nomination process or during the final voting. Several players and organizations had to be eliminated, one category had to be completely scrapped, and the ongoing feedback from players was not very positive, which I understand. The English version of this event really didn't turn out very well, for which I take full responsibility as the organizer.

And given the fact I want this event to have some meaning and I want next years participation to be at least as high as this year, I think someone else should be put in charge next year. So I have decided to step down as the organizer of the English WTLS Awards and continue to focus only on the Czech version. I am forwarding the English WTLS Awards to HoLY and MaNiTi. Thank you guys for your help with the ongoing problems and I believe that you will be able to organize next year's edition better than I did.

But now we can move on to the most important thing, and that is the winners' list. For each finalist, it is always listed how many votes they received overall in that category + what prize they will receive. There was one tie, specifically in category 4, where iCloakZ received one more vote than Eyemef, but since iCloakZ gave himself a vote and Eyemef didn't, it counts as a tie in this case.

Two players in category 7 had to be disqualified and they're losing their right to any prize. Specifically Tyron69, who repeatedly begged players to vote for him. And player CallMePrometheus was also disqualified as he received a 30 day ban from niCe (lead manager) during the voting phase.


1. Most Active Player of 2022
1. Gazmoo (received 110 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. ObiToPetrikov (received 34 votes, prize: 250 Tokens)
3. Shankss (received 26 votes, prize: 100 Tokens)

2. Most Popular Player of 2022
1. JessiJJ (received 102 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. Evelynn (received 47 votes, prize: 250 Tokens)
3. Lexie (received 17 votes, prize: 100 Tokens)

3. Most Helpful Player of 2022
1. TheArrow (received 109 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. Wr3cK (received 28 votes, prize: 250 Tokens)
3. Mihka (received 22 votes, prize: 100 Tokens)

4. Best Driver of 2022
1. MaRaZ96 (received 101 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. (3.) iCloakZ (received 43 votes, prize: 175 Tokens)
3. (2.) Eyemef (received 43 votes, prize: 175 Tokens)

5. Biggest Skiller of 2022
1. Iverson (received 119 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. Noah (received 100 votes, prize: 250 Tokens)
3. LoneW4lKER (received 10 votes, prize: 100 Tokens)

6. Most Creative Creator of 2022
1. TheJizzy (received 104 votes, prize: 500 Tokens)
2. R3dfield (received 63 votes, prize: 250 Tokens)
3. Telfort (received 17 votes, prize: 100 Tokens)

7. Best s2 Player of 2022
1. CallMePrometheus (received 130 votes, prize: none)
2. adivnas (received 24 votes, prize: $25 million on s2)
3. Tyron69 (received 21 votes, prize: none)

8. Best s3 Player of 2022
1. Gazmoo (received 138 votes, prize: $50 million on s3)
2. xFinisher (received 23 votes, prize: $25 million on s3)
3. QUiT45 (received 17 votes, prize: $10 million on s3)

9. Best FiveM 2 Player of 2022
1. Hunky (received 86 votes, prize: $50 million on f2)
2. KLAUS26 (received 43 votes, prize: $25 million on f2)
3. Baaayu69AP (received 23 votes, prize: $10 million on f2)

11. Best s3 Organization of 2022
1. KittyClaw (received 110 votes, prize for UluPoncik: $50 million on s3)
2. 62 Archipelago (received 28 votes, prize for QUiT45: $25 million on s3)
3. LoyalBros (received 16 votes, prize for MagBes: $10 million on s3)

12. Best Update of 2022
1. New Heists (received 158 votes)
2. Update of Drug Wars (received 16 votes)
3. Walking NPCs (received 14 votes)

The first year of the English WTLS Awards is now officially over. Thank you all for reading and thank you in advance to all AT members for sending prizes to the winners.

Comments (21)

LiaMs79 Player Level 113 29/03/2023 06:45 AM
Congrats to all winners (except ObiTo)
Stiffy Administrator Motion picture owner Level 142 11/02/2023 10:56 PM
Don't be so hard on yourself, it is not your fault that players doesn't care about the rules and it all escalated to the elimination or even scrapping of the category. Respect and big thank you for even making it to the final. Decision to step back is probably for the best and WE (we, who are grateful for your work and we, who knows how organization of something like this can be difficult) can not wait for the next year's WTLS Awards - ofc Czech edition ;). Until then, ciao and good luck. And good luck to HoLY and MaNiTi as well for the next year.

Big congratz to TheJizzy, well deserved. His work is epic and I can recommend his videos to everyone who is interested in something truly creative, not only stupid killing montages or fifty-fifth tutorial how to make money on wtls.
RedStained Photographer Level 31 24/01/2023 05:57 PM
Congratulation to all winners (except TheArrow)
TyZer Felon Level 60 24/01/2023 02:08 PM
Congrats to the winners
Gtee Film maker Level 68 22/01/2023 11:18 AM
Congratulations to all winners
Cr34tive Helper Level 88 22/01/2023 03:09 AM
Next year, I'll see what I can do.
RaiYou Administrator Legendary player Level 134 22/01/2023 01:58 AM
Congratulations to all of the winners!

Looking forward to the next year, WTLS Awards 2023.
Baaayu69AP Level 79 22/01/2023 01:33 AM
Best Five M 2 Player, Baaaayu69AP :D
MaRaZ96 Epic player Level 80 21/01/2023 11:22 PM
Thanks for award and votes ;)
MaNiTi Godfather Level 114 21/01/2023 10:15 PM
All the winners received their prizes, congratulations to everyone!
Show comments 11-20 of 21