




My Job Opinions - Part 1

Cr34tive's Thoughts
Cr34tive Cr34tive 15/08/2024
Hello everyone. tarantino4
Jobs have the 2nd most reliable source of earning in WTLS these days, I don't want to tell here, who's first. I have different thoughts about each job. I know it seems late but it had to come one day. I will also be ranking each job with personal tastes from "Best job in my opinion" to "definitely the worst job according to everyone". Let's get started. fellini8
S - Best
A - Good
B - Average
C - Bad
D - Worst

Air Trafficker
Well... I might be a good pilot but this job is not that good. What's the deal here? Carry some cargo and drop it at some red zone. Pfft, boring. After getting the prerequisite: 50 pilot skills. It kinda made sense to earn them since no way your client would be so dumb to hire someone that they don't even know if they can fly a plane or not, lol. Also the restriction to stay below the radar range was glad to have here as it was definitely necessary for realism. The pay? Yeah, it's average. Not worth discussing anything. Any risks? Well, you get stars but who's gonna waste their time to chase down a plane, huh?! I don't think it has any sort of risk here. Overall, I'll just get bored of doing this thing for like 30 minutes, meh.
Job Rank: B

Arms Dealer
"Something hot is being sold out here." It is somehow balanced in it's own ways. You pack some guns and sell them to players. The pay? Seems good to me. The risks? Wanted levels out of the blue. This alone is knocking off a few points from this job. The fact that I get stars just because I sold a gun to a customer randomly is just stupid as it should be predictable when are we getting a wanted level. I find it cute to have 50 ice cream vendor skills before we could even do this job like the server is giving us a little taste of the illegal tradings and then putting us into a test. But, it is good overall imo. You should check this out too. It gave me a lot of experience regarding this job.
Job Rank: B

Baggage Handler
Augh, this job? Why are we even gonna talk about it? It's simple. Just drive around and collect the airport stuffs. Booooooring. The pay? Same as arms dealer... it's just a lot more lame. I guess it's made for newbies anyway.
Job Rank: C

Beach Patrol
Hmm, this job is normal. Just travel around in the beach and save some people... what are they suffering from anyway? Crippling depression? Bruh. It needs Paramedic skills which let alone makes this job a headache for new players. But it makes sense too as they would demand someone who's a medical specialist and not some random thug. The pay's good. No risks at all. Well, let's hope San Fierro Beach gets the treatment of this job as well.
Job Rank: A

Border Patrol
Well, so far I enjoyed this job the most... apart from driving. It sucked everytime. I earned 1000 skills in it too. I find this job the most enjoyable as you will never know what those weird looking people will pull on to you and what they could be hiding. The pay? It should be increased considering we have to do security guard for that, it's too low imo knocking off some points as well. No risks as long as you're careful enough to deal with NPCs.
Job Rank: A

Ah... this job was too frisky in LS... I bet it needs some further improvement since it's more than risky to do in that city. The pay? Well it's good but at the wrong times. I can't play at night which sucks considering it pays more in that time. It gives a decent amount of XP and RP as well if you got yourself some people helping you. Ever since the lockups got added, this job is just broken... like it was still good before but now it's more than good.
Job Rank: A

Bus Driver
Don't ask me about this. You can predict my opinion on this one. It's boring in general. Drive around in Bus stops that pays you. Gives you RP if you get any passengers on you which definately won't happen considering players find Taxi rides a good source of RP income. Yep, Buses hate Taxis as far as I have seen this. Pay is low too but it's definitely worth having that much for such job.
Job Rank: C

Brewery Worker
Ah, the new job? You know what? Screw it. It's just like trucker but worse. You will be rolling with one truck with someone at least. The pay is good tho considering all the boring drive we have to do. The most notable part is it's objective/epsilon mission... WHY 10 skills alone!? This job looks really fast to get it done right? I don't think so. It's just another normal job to me. It's requirements seems unreasonable as well.
Job Rank: B

Car Salesman
Driving around cars fast or slow just for test drives and bring it back... bruh. Boring concept. Average pay. The players itself are the risk. I don't want to talk much about it.
Job Rank: B

Cargo Pilot
Ah, might be your nightmare job. Grab a big-as-hell container and drop it somewhere which can be in the same city or can be several miles away. I just don't like it. The pay itself isn't worth doing. Like Trucker has better pay but not that much hassle to perform. We have to manage a heavy container on a helicopter... which has been the sole reason of destroying the helicopter itself for me like 39% of the times. I'm trying to get a 1000 skills and I bet your butt, It will be pain in my ass.
Job Rank: C

I think I'm done here. You know what? We can put next 10 jobs in the next part. I don't have more mental energy to talk about this much further. So see you in part 2 then. Be sure to subscribe so you can get a notification for the next post on this blog. Thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day. joker2

Comments (4)

TheRMan Advanced player Level 54 18/08/2024 10:23 PM
Cargo Pilot is like a weak copy of Trucker. Its payout is good only when there are some bonuses by Congressmen. On average, you have to fly two and a half miles just to pick up a container and then another two and a half miles to drop it.
Trucker is S tier for sure, if you know what way is the shortest.
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 15/08/2024 04:47 PM
Part 1, buddy. It will be here soon.
SixtyNinee Advanced player Level 33 15/08/2024 03:19 PM
U should add paramedics at 'S' tier or 'A' tier , the job is easy to be done , as there are carmeets at 14pm and 20pm so its an easy way to collect 300k + money under a minute there , 9.5k per skill is the payout for each skill for easy task to heal , Paramedics is good way for earning money , i can earn 2m to 3m daily with it
neko Administrator Nobody Special Level 54 15/08/2024 01:39 PM
As the top holder for Border Patrol on S2, Border Patrol needs to be buffed in some way or another as this job is getting overshadowed by police officer job. Having either combat shotgun and desert eagle pre aimed at the NPC before opening the trunk might be a good option too if you want to live longer.