




My Gang Opinions

Cr34tive's Thoughts
Cr34tive Cr34tive 18/07/2024
Hello everyone. tarantino4
This post might be interesting to read for those players that enjoy their gameplay in gangs at WTLS servers. Here I would like to share my opinion about gangs in detailed and explain some of the questions my friends or other players often curiously ask. fellini8

Turfing Experience
This is something that still exists here and ruining the way the server is meant to be played. Let me explain: The base reward of taking over one gang hood is like $30,000, 5 RP 200 XP which seems to beat every other job on the server when it comes to the count of rewards per skill. But hear me out, it gets even more crazier that multiple players can cooperate in this activity and can turf as many as hoods as possible at once. The lowest possibility is turfing 4 hoods at once then comes 3 hoods which does not happen often and then there's 2 hoods which happens like 90% of the times. Let's say you can turf 2 hoods at once through your whole turfing period and it takes 3 minutes to take over each gang hood. Double it and that's $60K. Let's say average time to take over 2 hoods during the turf session takes 4 minutes if there are NPCs spawning. Then you can make like $900,000-1,200,000 per hour. But not just you, multiple people can make that at the same time. Now you might be thinking... what about the other gangs? Don't they want to kill your gang for fun, revenge or any other apparent reason? No, when there is a wolf pack around, the tiger can never survive alone. I mean sure, the whole gang can bring come to a point to attack another gang and interrupt their turfing but why? Does it mean defending? That only the gang can do that have their hood attacked. Does it mean avenging? That's possible in certain cases. Does it mean just killing? That's even rare at this point as I never saw 2 whole gangs into a clashing burst starting a world war in the server. The thing is that this ruins the economy. Jobs are not being looked back after what the gangs are paying to stay in that state of danger. Also, turfing is really boring in my opinion as you just idle for 3 minutes. Even if gang NPCs spawn to shoot you, it's still boring. It's one of the reasons I don't turf in gangs. The faster you progress and earn, things get more easier for you and this is not what I like. It's not even mediocre. It's just something being forced to play at easy difficulty. Gang vans were a good thing to add by the way. They're good in engaging gangs into an entirely different thing and those who want it badly compete for it and I love it. I really wish to have more things like gang vans. Same goes for Gang races. This is something we're close to get as team races.

Killing Experience
The fact that you can kill any other member of another gang as a gang member without any precautions apart from weapons and protection is just crazy. Have you seen an endless loop of 2 or more gang members just shooting at each other and running into Ammu-nation repeatedly? I'm sure you did, because that's what makes it unpleasant. There are players that cause havoc for fun and when it comes to Ammu-nation, it gets a lot of violent. Let's say, one of the gang members is tired of fighting and wants to run away, and how will he run? Simple, he can't. His adversaries are still on that thirst for blood just to kill him for fun. Okay, let's say you are separated from your gang and you want to do something else while being in gang and avoid fighting, would the other gang members cooperate? No. In gang, you can always highlight other gang members that means you're nowhere near safe from other gangs even if you hide. I learned to fight from a few of the gang members and I'll be honest, I still am bad at it. I can't fight multiple or a single gang member at some random location expecting a duel all of sudden. They get the advantage at giving first strikes, panic attacks and sometimes multiple enemies. Killing is half of the reason I don't like staying in gangs. I sure like fighting but I'd prefer to fight in events and minigames over gangs. Peace can't be negotiated everytime, it has to be achieved, it's likeable as much as it's hated.

That's all I can say about Gangs. There wasn't much I could put into my words but I think it was plenty to add. If you want to share you opinion, you can leave your comment and if you want me to make an opinion on anything else, you can leave that in the comments as well. Thanks for reading this and have yourself a good day. joker2

Comments (7)

Torgal Level 30 19/07/2024 12:37 PM
Just use a helicopter, only thing annoying in gangs are the newbies who dont killnpcs
MiddleG123 Hustler Level 22 19/07/2024 08:52 AM
look just Get a jetpack and then do Turfing its easy and much safer that way
i always get a jetpack and turf while i watch some movie to pass the time
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 19/07/2024 06:38 AM
Many flowers here, that's why gang exist if you don't like being killed then don't join gang, simple.It's not like I get enraged so quickly but the fact that others can't stop attacking you because they can is just insanity.
I do not agree with you, it is simple, Gangs is a high risk / high reward activity. Simple.S2 did had many events of actual 'gang war' happened but in S3, gangs leave the turfers alone. The risk is just not that high in particular.
Domko Helper Legendary player Level 65 19/07/2024 02:08 AM
I do not agree with you, it is simple, Gangs is a high risk / high reward activity. Simple.
LiaMs79 Player Level 113 18/07/2024 11:43 PM
Many flowers here, that's why gang exist if you don't like being killed then don't join gang, simple.
CheesecakeRipper Photographer Level 31 18/07/2024 08:49 PM
Gangs are very annoying, really. When you turf in peace and your attention is on something else there's always some random guy who will kill you for sure and he will be very proud of such a disrespectful action. Just an endless toxicity and nothing more.
Aevum High Roller Level 18 18/07/2024 06:32 PM
I agree with a lot of points here, especially the killing experience, gangs in the current iteration feel more like a way for players to DM instead of being an organized group effort