Hello everyone. This would be quite a unique topic as anyone barely talks about money bags, couriers or zones these days. I had experienced it quite much in the months of August and September. And I must say, I had fun with these challenging events. Personally liked it much more than Jobs, Missions or Gangs particularly. Let's get into depth with it.
Reasons of Doing So Yeah, that's must be the first question in your mind. Why did I do that? Well, it certainly helped me in reaching $200,000,000 and I must say, It was a rollercoaster. Something big will come in future and I will let you guys in this comment section of this post. But one thing for sure, I didn't do it for money itself. Money is not my last thing to get on this server. I did it just so I can get plenty enough for the things I can do to entertain me and the server for winning it. Yeah, I like to just throw it all away to random people. I think they deserve it more than I do. You might never see me reaching a billion or two like other people with the tiniest hearts in existence when it comes to giving some money. I'll be honest, I had to hold my heart for all this and cancel everything I planned for future like giveaways and goals that involve those.
Troubles I Faced It's a big-risk-big-reward thing. It was a race against time and players to get my hands on the money before anyone else. So, what was my strategy? Early in this grind, I used a Shamal and kept flying around the center of the map in last minutes of spawning to reach there quickly. Well, I wasn't the only one doing this. There are plenty more people that are greedy and hungry for money and you bet they will do the fastest thing to get it. Later on, I camped at the nearest airport with working flight ticket system with a bike or helicopter. The ticket system is somehow faster than the plane in few circumstances, and the money can spawn in the same city as the terminal with 11% chances I think, so you know the drill for that. Money Courier was the easiest one of the trios, I find them easily when they shoot me plane and I notice the damage when taken so I skydive and shoot their faces immediately. Sometimes others can steal the money by shooting down the last courier when I find them first. Money bag can be the middle one. As for me, it's silent and hidden so I can't really expect it to be exposed by something. I had a hard time to memo those locations so I can get there pretty quickly. Sometimes those memos don't loaded in my brain in time and someone else get it before me. Money zones might be the hardest one out there. I swear I had my ass whooped countless times in this thing. I certainly hate it at some point. There were a few players that managed to cooperate when they got the zone first, and we managed to share the money which wasn't bad but wasn't good for my progress either. I would like to mention honorably: THAN0S, Shinobi, DC07, xDubby. Some were just friends so it was even easier to get it done with. On the other hand, we have some difficult people. Some that don't cooperate and shoot on sight. I certainly think and would consider advising this: "When you are planning to take the moneyzone, don't go alone". People like xArasH and sbm gave me a lot of mental damage but I can't do anything about that. It's a competition after all. But these two are absolute hotheads that I believe they hate me personally. And because of what? Competing in moneyzones? Look, If I won't be in moneyzone, then someone else would be. They would beef with someone at that point after all. It's an ass-whooping zone. You'll either kill or get killed in there.
What about them now? So, I'm done with grinding my money now. Should I continue getting this money normally or should I simply abandon this activity? It was fun to me tho. What do you guys think? Let me know in comments below. And if you guys like reading such blogposts, make sure to Subscribe and Like for getting notified for future blogposts and supporting my expressions. Thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day.