




Gangs have gone soft.

Arch's blog
Archjun Archjun 31/07/2024
This post will be about gangs.

My last blog post was about the unconventional way of killing players ("without reason"), however I cannot afford to be a psychopath or reduce my mental state all the time. Thus the most common way for me to kill, kill and kill is through gangs. Most other conventional methods still give you a wanted level (like assassination missions), or cannot be employed all the time (like moneyzones). Through gangs, I can freely kill enemy gang members at all times without receiving a wanted level or mental state. I even get XP for killing enemy gang members, isn't that great?

Nowadays there is still a considerable group of active gang members that participate in gangs in a normal way, in my eyes atleast. They will attack and kill any enemy gang member on sight (except friends obviously), turf every now and then, and occasionally defend their own gang hoods. That is quite literally the purpose of being in a gang, you help out your fellow gang members, attack enemy gang members, take over enemy gang hoods and defend your own gang hoods to loyally serve your beloved gang. I fully commend this way of playing while being in a gang. If you want to be peaceful outside of gangs, so be it. But violence and killing is an integral part of gangs. Enemy gang members attacking each other, bashing each other's heads in, gang wars, endless chaos and bombs - you name it, that is how gangs are supposed to be.

Unfortunately, in the past few years I noticed an alarming trend. For the large part (and still increasing), players solely join gangs for the purpose of turfing and earning easy money, they see it as a business and are passive as hell, showing zero interest in the killing aspect of gangs. They are not in gangs to loyally serve their gang, they are only in it for the dollar bills. Usually they do not even bother defending their own hoods or attacking other gang members, their only goal is making money. You can literally witness numerous Vagos members turfing one hood and a group of Bikers turfing the hood next to it, and not a single shot will be exchanged between them. Some of them are so passive in gangs, that they will instinctively run if you attack them. They will act shocked and even ask you why you attacked or killed them, as if they are not literally part of an enemy gang. Usually I love killing these kind of players, but I cannot bother chasing down every single passive gang member while they are fleeing using their fully tuned NRG or any other fast vehicle, I would have to exert too much effort.

So should I accept that gangs are now divided in roughly two groups (passive gang members & more violent gang members), and leave the passive group alone? I should not even have to give you the answer if you have read my previous posts, but obviously the answer is no. In fact, passive gang members disgust me more than regular enemy gang members, thus I am more motivated to kill passive gang members. The easy way to kill numerous passive gang members is through aerial bombing. Usually I fly that beautiful yet ruthless steel bird that goes by the name "Hydra" because it is fast and agile, and it provides me the opportunity to heavily bomb groups of passive gang members. Their fully tuned vehicles are no match against my missiles and are blown up in no time, there is no escaping from the missiles. And even if they managed to escape from their vehicle in time, they are still poor sitting ducks for my missiles. Tormenting these passive gang members and preventing them from leeching off turfing is pure satisfaction, nothing else. You shall not be earning easy money in gangs as long as I am in-game and ready to cause mayhem. Go apply for a job at 24/7 or Cluckin' Bell if you wanted a passive way of earning money, leave the gangs to more violent players.

To conclude, gangs have changed throughout the years that I have played here. A group of passive gang members has emerged and is increasing in size, to my annoyance. They will join gangs solely to profit from turfing, but I shall not bow down to these leechers. Thankfully, since these leechers are involved in gangs, I have the legitimate right to kill every single one of them. If you are a passive gang member and have concerns after reading this blog post, please do not worry. I can make you a résumé and get you a 9 to 5 job at Cluckin' Bell in no time.

Comments (3)

Shugo Level 16 03/08/2024 02:09 AM
Turfing is business too, "Pay out". Would you care to defend your hood when 5 or more gangs attack you when youre alone? think wisely, and be smart enough to run and comeback with RC XD
Winter Level 91 02/08/2024 07:51 PM
current player base turned gangs into turfing simulator, it is disgusting
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 31/07/2024 04:27 AM
You know I don't have much experience in gang but whenever I get ambushed I fight to the death. Sometimes I run into the "safezones" just because the gangs are having unfair advantage. If I die in gang, that's an acceptable canon event for me. For bashing groups of passive gang members, I never dared to attack because I played gangs in Server 3 more and from my experience they'll consider resorting to drive-by and tear hundreds of holes in my body. Honestly, I'd love having gangs some honor to fight fairly and violently like 1v1 with same weapons apart from heavy stuff. I too am personally against passive gang members but I never resorted to violence just because of how many problems it can cause for me in the future. The only hope I seek is through suggestions to nerf gang turfings.