




Am I a psychopath?

Arch's blog
Archjun Archjun 27/07/2024
As you may have read already in some of my previous blog posts, I love killing. I already mentioned killing cops as a fun way to spend time on the server. There are also other conventional methods I employ to kill players, such as CEO challenges, moneyzones, assassination missions and gangs. But I go further than this. Occasionally, I may resort to the unconventional way of killing players, namely "without reason". I always have a reason to kill a player though (hence the quotation marks), but that is how the server deems it if you kill a player without being involved in CEO challenges, gangs, moneyzones, etc. Yes, you basically come across someone you dislike and decide to absolutely annihilate him while he was minding his own business, isn't that the fun part of GTA though?

In the first years of my time here (since 2015), WTLS 2 already was a non-deathmatching server, however the punishments were very low. You received wanted stars, you lost XP and RP and if you killed too many players you would get a 5 minutes kick. But losing XP was no big deal for me, neither was receiving wanted stars as a premium player or losing RP if you already had 0, thus occasionally I would kill, kill and kill until the server decided it has been enough for a whole 5 minutes. The server was quite lenient on deathmatching thus players had a lot of freedom to smash each other's heads in and go berserk.

But over time, the punishments became more strict. Mental state was added, and the punishment for deathmatching became harsher. The kick duration for deathmatching increased to 30 minutes, then an hour and nowadays you can be kicked for 10 hours maximum if you have been kicked a lot of times already recently. Witness protection program was added, prison time was increased for players with a high mental state, and players were able to hire mercenaries or demolition experts against deathmatchers. Safe to say numerous measures were taken to discourage deathmatching.

I disliked all these updates. But it is not up to me to decide how harshly players should be punished for deathmatching, so what am I to do now? Stop deathmatching and stick to the conventional methods of killing on the server? I decided I should take a step back. A small step, because in the end deathmatching runs through my blood and veins and I cannot stop. Thus occasionally I kill a player without reason if I happen to dislike that player, or if it is absolutely necessary to reach a certain goal (like purchasing weed farms), paying $250,000 - $300,000 to the mental clinic in Las Venturas to keep my mental state low is no big deal for me.

However, that may not be enough to satisfy my never-ending thirst for death and destruction, thus sometimes I may feel like going on a rampage again and I start killing numerous players without reason for a while. Do I kill literally everyone? No, usually the ones I dislike that are in my crosshair. But if you annoy me in any way you may also run into trouble, sometimes even a slight inconvenience like blocking my car may be enough to get killed. It comes with great costs, such as a continuously high mental state, high prison times, mercenaries, demolition experts, deathmatching kicks - you name it, but nothing satisfies me more than killing a player I am not fond of while he was peacefully driving around in a bus. I have been kicked many, many times for 10 hours, the kicks are long but I am willing to accept that high price.

However, the financial costs are great because of the mental state (usually I reach psychopath level). On top of that, I have to pay hefty fines for killing players with witness protection programs, sometimes over a million per fine. Thus I cannot go on for too long. If I have wasted enough money, I shall decide to cease the killing for a bit, decrease my mental state to normal and return to a more peaceful state. So whenever I stop acting like a psychopath, I do that for the sake of my financial stability, not because I feel bad for those players.

To conclude, am I a psychopath? Yes, but only sometimes, because my financial means only allows me to go nuts once in a while. However, during my normal gameplay I may still kill a player without reason occasionally if I feel like it. I simply cannot stop myself from slaughtering adversaries for fun, it runs through my blood and veins. If you are my adversary, you better look over your shoulder at all times.

Comments (2)

MiddleG123 Hustler Level 22 28/07/2024 12:32 AM
Yes, I understand the concept of killing, but there are always a few people who might suddenly target you and not leave you alone.
Cr34tive Helper Level 87 27/07/2024 12:26 PM
I think staying to those conventional methods is a good excuse to kill yet vengeanace never gets old.