Hi guys.
I wish all of you are OK.
I don't know how to say it, but it's time for Dani Lee to die.
I'm doing a degree so I need time for me, my friends and family. I stop playing videogames as I was doing before.
All this started with COVID-19 pandemic. I cannot met my friends nor go outside due to this virus. So I wondered, "Why not to make a new life inside a game?". And I chose this game. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but things started to work. A Chinese cop patrolling a mad city. What can go wrong? Everything!! It was funny while I tried to make this a serious blog. A secret for you? If you find a visit to the hospital in any blog, multiply it for four times.
Thanks a lot for those who supported me during this blog, and I understand your disappointment. I hope you understand me.
And a final message:
Try to play less and invest your time with your friends, family (in case you don't have any of this, go out and make new friends). There is a beautiful world outside that is waiting for you. Go and fckn enjoy. You only live once.
Drink a lot of water!