WW3 is Hacker that's not mean i'm suscpect of cheats
but if he was using ability to make Damage more than normal that's gonna be other Things
He stay all times afk in ammo Scared like newbie
i was who kill him in first... (více)
WW3 is Hacker that's not mean i'm suscpect of cheats
but if he was using ability to make Damage more than normal that's gonna be other Things
He stay all times afk in ammo Scared like newbie
i was who kill him in first place so why i should use Cheats against him
all his partners are hackers that's mean his is tooo
and now after i knew all his secret and his plans
he should Stop me before everyone knew his secret
but his plan is failed finaly (méně)
keep up !!!
or defend himself becose he knew himself what he did
ops forgot to turn off xD.cs”
Why admins should trust me if was jocking ??
ops forgot to turn off xD.cs
some of them knew the truth but others say other Things
did you gonna like if everyone call you cheater and you didn't use it before what do you gonna to do ??
Also there's a software that allows you to run 2 accounts in same time and i'm not allowed to use its say name because its illegal
He's probably using it
Keep Up!”
Thanks broo
Keep Up!
all proof was against me so why admins ban him and didn't ban me