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Veselý svátek Svatého Patrika všem hráčům!
GTA: San Andreas

Nice Moc God MOD !

GTA: San Andreas
SnaKee SnaKee 5.11.2019

lol ali baba busted

Komentáře (15)

Osack Lovec Hlav Level 61 8.11.2019 16:32
Man you see when i start recording he was running then stop.you have no knowledge about the godmode, how is he supposed to know if you are recording or no? Suppose he knows, why would he even use godmode and thereupon, why did he stop after a certain moment?
SoryBrothers Level 5 8.11.2019 07:29
maybe bug internet ... lag
SnaKee Editor Level 36 7.11.2019 15:13
IDK lol
DevilAssassin Zákeřný Vrah Level 78 7.11.2019 13:56
Man you see when i start recording he was running then stop.I know, so lemme ask again, why didn't he finish the kill? He has no way of knowing if you were or weren't recording, so he's obviously lagging.
Nagazi Poctivý Občan Level 40 6.11.2019 23:49
Maybe lag
SnaKee Editor Level 36 6.11.2019 22:24
Man you see when i start recording he was running then stop.
DevilAssassin Zákeřný Vrah Level 78 6.11.2019 20:47
before i record i just was shooting he was moving and it dosent hit nothingif he wasn't lagging nor desynced why didn't he finish the kill?
SnaKee Editor Level 36 6.11.2019 15:48
DevilAssassin Im not from CZ too. I just call him cuz he is an idiot and before i record i just was shooting he was moving and it dosent hit nothing.
DevilAssassin Zákeřný Vrah Level 78 6.11.2019 14:01
he was 100 percent desynced, if he was godmoding then he would have shot you and got no damage at the same time, but as you see he's standing still and doing nothing, so yeah.
ali baba busted FUCKING ARABis there something wrong with being an arab? oh sorry I forgot that retarded cz players call everyone they hate(and is not czech) an arab.
Leafy Nikdo Vyjímečný Level 62 6.11.2019 13:50
he is probably get his game crashed . does not mean he is cheating
Ukázat komentáře 11-15 z 15