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DůležitéAttack on servers

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niCe Hlavní Manažer Legendární hráč Level 336 24.7.2024 19:57
Dear players, there is currently an attack ongoing on our web and servers, we're working with our server host to fix this issue. Please be patient, we'll be issuing refunds shortly and also a compensation. Kind regards niCe
Dear players,

there is currently an attack ongoing on our web and servers, we're working with our server host to fix this issue. Please be patient, we'll be issuing refunds shortly and also a compensation.

Kind regards
mohamed24iyt mohamed24iyt 24.7.2024 22:37
Use new host like big host company
Use new host like big host company
R1chradX R1chradX 24.7.2024 22:40
Hopping nothing major
Hopping nothing major
BMZ BMZ 24.7.2024 22:52
why would some1 attack and old game or server lol
why would some1 attack and old game or server lol
Sharjeel Sharjeel 24.7.2024 23:18
Thank you for your service sir.
Thank you for your service sir.
Graves Graves 24.7.2024 23:20
Hope it gets fixed soon
Hope it gets fixed soon
rosy011 rosy011 24.7.2024 23:21
hope it will fix soon , thanks for the efforts
hope it will fix soon , thanks for the efforts
BillCipher BillCipher 24.7.2024 23:44
Good luck! hopefully you can also find this histerical attacker's identity
Good luck! hopefully you can also find this histerical attacker's identity pray
Kollapse Kollapse 24.7.2024 23:48
thank you sir!
thank you sir!
cryzonek cryzonek 25.7.2024 00:27
admins can get annoying, some overuse their power so maybe a hacker didn't put up w it
admins can get annoying, some overuse their power so maybe a hacker didn't put up w it :P
Hollister Hollister 25.7.2024 00:45
i have 650m in safe When I come back, he'll find them
i have 650m
in safe When I come back, he'll find them
Skadyoz Skadyoz 25.7.2024 02:42
so thats why server locked?
so thats why server locked?
Onty Level 60 24.7.2024 19:58
Thanks for the headsup Hoping its nothing major
Thanks for the headsup :)
Hoping its nothing major
SixtyNinee Pokročilý hráč Level 33 24.7.2024 20:02
Hopping nothing major
Hopping nothing major
GetLaw Pomocník Zločinec Level 69 24.7.2024 20:06
Hope our servers be always fine Thank you for the work keeping our servers safe
Hope our servers be always fine
Thank you for the work keeping our servers safe
Cr34tive Pomocník Level 87 24.7.2024 20:08
Let's hope everything is fine. May our servers stay strong for the future.
Let's hope everything is fine. May our servers stay strong for the future. spiderman0

Made by McMillan
Civam Legendární hráč Level 66 24.7.2024 20:10
Death to those who attack !!!!
Death to those who attack !!!! fire
IRONMAN Legendární hráč Level 46 24.7.2024 20:13
Get well soon server..
Get well soon server..
Gazmoo Don Level 143 24.7.2024 20:14
Must be a mother fucker trying hard (ben sharmuta) keep server in safe.🫡
Must be a mother fucker trying hard (ben sharmuta)
keep server in safe.🫡

Will Continue To Save Lives
eliasZs eliasZs 24.7.2024 20:15
McDonalds McDonalds 24.7.2024 22:39
R1chradX R1chradX 24.7.2024 22:40
cryzonek cryzonek 25.7.2024 02:01
ben sharmuta ani met
ben sharmuta ani met xD
Jeev24 Pomocník Legendární hráč Level 75 24.7.2024 20:16
stay safe [<3]
stay safe <3
eliasZs Násilník Level 61 24.7.2024 20:16
Meh, Permabanned players will never get tired..
Meh, Permabanned players will never get tired..
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