Mother has an epic role in our gaming life! Mom is the ultimate pause button for any game. There are very few among us who have the courage to refuse to pause the game when Maa calls for dinner.. In order to get the PC/Console upgraded, the first thing we... (více)
Mother has an epic role in our gaming life! Mom is the ultimate pause button for any game. There are very few among us who have the courage to refuse to pause the game when Maa calls for dinner.. In order to get the PC/Console upgraded, the first thing we need is the permission from our Mom.. For some of the gamers the word 'Mom' is just a way to Curse others.. Even in gameplays, mothers play a vital role. In our favorite game GTA San Andreas it all beigns with MOM!
Sometimes we may find our mom kind of disturbing or irritating, but little did we realise that all her disturbance, irritations are for our good future! Only those can understand this, who have lost their precious Mom.. Now they would give up anything fo just to be called by their moms for once, doesn't matter if they are in any online game or not!
So guys lets take a moment off from the screen, pause the game for a sec, go to your mom as long as you can, hug her tight, and say, "Thanks Momma, for tolerating me, and for everything. I Love You". Remember, moms arent online, so dont waste your time commenting/posting, instead do it in real life. And if you can't say it, write it down on a card and give it to her. Because once you'll loose her, you can never respawn her, so don't neglet now and suffer later.
peace out (méně)
Thanks everyone for your appreciations.. :)