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Veselý svátek Svatého Patrika všem hráčům!
GTA: San Andreas

get rekt limo farmers shuvo2 and MR.MAHID...

GTA: San Andreas
get rekt limo farmers shuvo2 and MR.MAHID...
lilHardy56 lilHardy56 29.10.2023

i dont kill players without a reason btw if u guys are wondering who shuvo and mahid are , they are a bunch of crappy limo farming congressmen who make millions off of limos and proposes high taxes instead of bonuses,

Komentáře (26)

Darian Pokročilý hráč Level 16 25.11.2023 05:31
2PAC2 Obchodník Level 31 8.11.2023 20:25
U watch your mouth too.Theres something inside from me ;)
2PAC2 Obchodník Level 31 8.11.2023 20:21
But u re just toy of Valverde.You need a permission from Val.Better go afk to do your homework.If u dont beat from me badly.
2PAC2 Obchodník Level 31 8.11.2023 20:18
Come dc if u wanna see my 28 years old balls and if u re brave chicken.
lilHardy56 Legendární hráč Level 45 4.11.2023 16:31
Im Turkish bro.We never do 4 v 1 irl or in game.We have balls.If you have balls I Will’i give you my coordinates irl.But it looks you re just keyboard soldier underage.Keep fighting with us in your 2005 game.Or I will call your mom to do your homework or sleeping.Bcs you re so much unemployee that keep thrash talking at late night.You better watch your mouth kiddo! look who's fuming over a 2005 game
This comment literally proves how immature u are
2PAC2 Obchodník Level 31 1.11.2023 20:03
Nothing new zitex.Just third attempt to controll common sense.And another weird post.Common sense engineering(Admin Supported).
zitex Mistr Level 35 31.10.2023 20:59
AbiTamilan Hráč Level 15 31.10.2023 15:46
Periyappa na summava! ????????????
beasteeyy n00b Level 56 30.10.2023 10:20
Respect! [cheers]
2PAC2 Obchodník Level 31 30.10.2023 07:06
Im Turkish bro.We never do 4 v 1 irl or in game.We have balls.If you have balls I Will’i give you my coordinates irl.But it looks you re just keyboard soldier underage.Keep fighting with us in your 2005 game.Or I will call your mom to do your homework or sleeping.Bcs you re so much unemployee that keep thrash talking at late night.
Ukázat komentáře 11-20 z 26