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GTA: San Andreas

Any admin tell me what is this?!!!!!!

GTA: San Andreas
Any admin tell me what is this?!!!!!!
Mid0 Mid0 5.6.2017

The thread that i typed can't be posted! (Solved)
1. how ban evade!
2. ban evade and i didn't got banned!
3. what the hell make me banned now!!!!!!
4. + i was playing normally at my home on 2-6-2017!

Komentáře (8)

satyasrichaitanya Level 3 23.10.2021 06:12
satyasrichaitanya: hey
satyasrichaitanya: my in game actual username
satyasrichaitanya: is dss_babu
satyasrichaitanya: i came here to get answers for some questions
satyasrichaitanya: @xero
satyasrichaitanya: i am from welcome to los santos 2 server
satyasrichaitanya: so the problem is me getting banned
satyasrichaitanya: u dont need to unban me or ban evade me
satyasrichaitanya: first i got banned cuz it was my mistake cuz i left mods in my cleo folder
satyasrichaitanya: it was 30 day ban
satyasrichaitanya: i got banned on 16th this month
satyasrichaitanya: then i played on another account called dss_cheta
satyasrichaitanya: it was all well until i got banned again
satyasrichaitanya: this time it was not cheats or anything
satyasrichaitanya: when i logged in the ban reason was proxy
satyasrichaitanya: idk why this happen i dont even know what getting banned for proxy means
satyasrichaitanya: but the unban date was 23rd of this month
satyasrichaitanya: and remember the 30 day ban on my dss_babu account
satyasrichaitanya: the unban date date on it was 16/11 right
satyasrichaitanya: when i tried to login the unban date changed to 23rd of this month
satyasrichaitanya: so what i wanted to ask was
satyasrichaitanya: if i login to dss_babu account on 24th will it ban me again
satyasrichaitanya: please reply to me if you can see this
xero: 16/11
satyasrichaitanya: hello
satyasrichaitanya: can u please respond
satyasrichaitanya: i have a problem
satyasrichaitanya: hello
satyasrichaitanya: pls reply if u can see this
satyasrichaitanya: i am begging
satyasrichaitanya: i ma begging u
satyasrichaitanya: i got banned on dss_babu account cuz of cheats
satyasrichaitanya: now they banned dss_cheta account
satyasrichaitanya: the reason was ban evade
satyasrichaitanya: i didnt even /pm COLDPLAY to unban dss_babu account
satyasrichaitanya: why am i getting banned for things i didnt do
satyasrichaitanya: and the ban date on dss_babu account changed from 16/11 to 21/11
satyasrichaitanya: i do not accept this
satyasrichaitanya: pls do something
satyasrichaitanya: i did nothing to get banned
satyasrichaitanya: please respond if u can see this
xero: It's because someone shared same IP as you. Therefore, you had been banned for ban evade
satyasrichaitanya: yea but
satyasrichaitanya: i cant be banned for doing nothing
satyasrichaitanya: i just made a new account so i can keep making progress
satyasrichaitanya: u know what just forget it
satyasrichaitanya: just unban dss_cheta account for 10 mins i will sell my nrg to my friend
satyasrichaitanya: pls do this one favor
satyasrichaitanya: i dont deserve to be banned for nothing
xero: Like you are facing sun and asking it to not appear again as you love the night moment. If this happens, it would be an apocalypse. Bear in mind, I can know if you make a new account, so better wait your unban date is over. Otherwise, it's just wasting your time
xero: Banned for nothing? Can I believe that? Like you are trying to sell big fish at the market with lower price means you are pretending to act innocent that you are using not a single cheats, but in the end, you are using it
xero: Just wait for your unban date is over. That's the best choice for you. Good luck
satyasrichaitanya: cheats? what cheats did i use?
satyasrichaitanya: yes i agree dss_babu account got banned cuz of cheats
satyasrichaitanya: what cheats did i use in dss_cheta account
satyasrichaitanya: if i did use cheats in dss_cheta account why dont u put cheats for the reason
satyasrichaitanya: why arent u replying huh
satyasrichaitanya: oh i know why cuz i didnt do anything and u banned me
satyasrichaitanya: and now when i'm questioning you dont have a question
satyasrichaitanya: and now when i am questioning you dont have an answer huh?
satyasrichaitanya: you're just accusing me of random stuff just to keep me banned
satyasrichaitanya: this is bull shit
ZxCER Komentátor Level 27 30.5.2018 01:21
what a stupid admins first when they want ban someone they have to compare first wake up dumpy full of shit fuck admins but not all admins admins who ban players for no reason and without comparing stupid kids child been an admin
MujBo Lovec Hlav Level 151 5.6.2017 14:48
Konečně mi dneska skončil ban konečně juuuchuuuuu
Mid0 Legendární hráč Level 62 5.6.2017 13:22
Mid0 Legendární hráč Level 62 5.6.2017 13:05
Make a forum postThe thread that i typed can't be posted!
Benn Řečník Level 118 5.6.2017 13:01
Make a forum post
Mid0 Legendární hráč Level 62 5.6.2017 12:56
cheats?n i didn't used cheats ever
Kiwi1230 Veterán Level 148 5.6.2017 12:55