Everytime, i go for jetpack the server kicks me out for cheats.It happened twice today.
When i get on the platform, it slowly opens then BOOM server kicks me out for cheats
I installed samp, when I try to open the game it only loads then nothing happens eventually. its like the game wont open
a little help will do people, thanks much
i really love the new update, can really see the difference now
19.3.2018we can make use of the beds in our houses, make it possible to sleep(AFK) for 30mins on our beds,, that way we can restore mental state or health of some sort, i mean why would i have interior 7 house, and have such big useless space lol
16.3.2018Good Day
i tried changing my nickname to StroKe But apparently it says this name is already registered can some administrator help me
Server: S3 IGN: sG]StroKe Date &Time Of Loss: 3/15/18 ||| Time...15:48 I had around 190mg, then i crashed when i relogged it said no quitting to avoid death, im 100% sure no one shot me or anything of such Thanks //Shaun14: Rejected, there's no proof to suggest that no one shot you.
15.3.2018Age: 20 Years Languages: English(Native) And French Total Gaming Time On The Server: 1881 hours and 15 minutes Gaming Time Per Day: 5-11 Hours Registration On Web: 19/05/2015 Server: San Andreas 3 (s3.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777) I Have Read Apply Requirements And Rules Of Apply Described At First Post In This Thread
20.2.2018Add a Back button to /shop its really annoying to type /shop again lol
19.2.2018BLACK https://s9.postimg.org/myr6a2spb/28175554_1787120524917443_1276511471_n.jpg <3 <3 https://s9.postimg.org/b9n6m5z6n/27662166_544366649256201_868452801_n.jpg
18.2.2018Registrován: 19.5.2015
Přihlášen: 19.1.2019