There was a time when i saw sepoleone's white fbi rancher with a policeman tied to it on front , i messaged on global chat unknowingly "is sepoleone a mod user"?
They did not kill you as many players as you did bro. I also reported but they did not kill so many players in a short amount of time so they did not take an action against them.
“Killing without reason a lot of times gets you in trouble. That's what happened.”Kidding me ? I reported 5+ players in 2023 - 2024 but they replied this is not it ?
“dude... I have seen admins taking action for massive killing... Only once because people do it too rarely.” "Rarely" bro are u kidding me ? u are an active s2 player and u saying masskilling rare ? dammm
“Demmnmnmnn kakakakaka... U killed 57 people in 5 days? That's easy ban.
It ain't a dm server bro”Is not it's a Part of game ? And yep just say me any time u saw player getting ban for killinh players ? Then why ONLY me. Its simple.
is not it
It ain't a dm server bro”Is not it's a Part of game ?
And yep just say me any time u saw player getting ban for killinh players ?
Then why ONLY me. Its simple.