Restore some of the features and rules of the previous server:
1) Return the car repairman to the phone
2) Despite Witness Protection, there is no need to kick players if they kill other players for no reason, and I think it's somewhat unreasonable to kick, while no one can even help others in the fight.
Just activate Witness Protection for players if died
3) If the Witness Protection feature is not enough, you can activate the hide feature for people who are killed more than 3 times for no reason for 10 minutes so that they can avoid the conflict as much as possible.
4) Add stamina percentage (at least in /player) to check the amount of stamina left in the fights and recover it
I hope even one of my notes will be useful to the server and I hope it will make the server better
tnx for information i did not buy anything from /shop but only today I sold 4.50 usd & i do not have their money in my account will it be returned? or just the ones bought in /shop?
23.10.2020hi the server went back about a day xD i lost a lot of money and about 9 usd i sold a lot of usd on the server, now I have lost them but I do not have any money in my account xD yesterday I had 970 skills in Gang vagos And today I got it to 1000 & in Gang Mafia about 30 skill but all of it goes back to the day before when I was 970skill (except usd and money) we lose money , usd &.... plz help us :D
23.10.2020thanks for all the answers :) time to buy from a computer: around 12:00 time afk: 14:10 back in game : 14:20 hp hunter at that time: 80-90
23.10.2020finally, after many requests ,were answered :)
thanks for adding cmd /invite <3
i bought a hunter from the computer
around 14:10 to 14:20 I was afk for a while. around 14:30 when I back, my hunter gone, this hunter with hp 80-90 was on roof of the lv buildings.
you sure for use right password? check "Caps Lock" or your system language or from reset your password
25.7.2020hello if this is your first time using aimbot, your ban will soon be reduced to 10 days otherwise, you will have to wait 30 days you have to wait for the admin reviews and their answers and read this for more informations.
20.7.2020this problem maybe due to your internet or a bug
please wait for the admins review and their answer
if you can explain more about it, make it easier for admin to check it out
(which server? , who banned you)
you use 1 pc for 2 account? or no? ( multi account not allowed )
please wait for admin check this problem
wait for the admins to check
if you are mistakenly banned, admin will review and resolve it soon
you have to wait for the admin reviews and their answers
wait for the admins to check
if this is your first time using aimbot, your ban will soon be reduced to 15 days
you have to wait for the admin reviews and their answers
its mybe mistakenly banned , pilease wait for admins to review and respond
but if you are mistakenly banned, admin will review and resolve it soon
if you can explain more about it, make it easier for admin to check it out
who banned you?
if you are mistakenly banned, admin will review and resolve it soon
& wait for the admins to respond
if you can explain more about it, make it easier for admin to check it out
(which server? , your name on the server , who banned you)
if this is your first time, your ban will be reduced soon
otherwise, you will have to wait 30 days
hello try to join again now, its maybe bugged. sometimes there is a delay on the server and the web be patient and wait a little longer
if you can explain more about it, make it easier for admin to check it out
(which server? , your name on the server , who banned you)
Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for servers:
1) Put a private dm mode in the game and only the starter can invite others (start from phone,even if the winner is not paid after it is finished, only for friendly battles and with dm rules)
2) The money zone, money bag and money courier areas are very repetitive and some people abuse it.
3) Previously congressmen could have released people inside the prison (bring this feature back to congressmen
4) Add a command to invite people into the hotel (/invite <id>)
5) A long time ago, there was an audience on the phone who, after contacting it, a mechanic would appear near us and repair the car (if possible, bring it back to the game)
Registrován: 16.3.2018
Přihlášen: 13.3.2024