Yea that mission is barely possible to complete. It would be great if everything counted. Maybe getting 50 elec goods from train or ship could count as 1
11 hodinIndeed, for some reason now, the job CoolDown starts after 30s + 30s from it so they got 1 min to chase is with good cars
8.3.2025They can use the interior from the LV building that we steal the Caligula's palace layout, maybe with some map editing they could enhance it
8.3.2025Hello, today I tried to do helitour since it was my Epsilon Mission. When I got in the heli using Alt, it put me in, but the heli wouldn't take off. Then, when I got out, I could drive the heli around.
Seaman saw it and he can confirm. I will have to skip the task to avoid it, maybe you could refund me the skip cost?
You can't know daily, what you can do is to either suggest them to add a daily page, or you can take screenshots at midnight every day
7.3.2025Remove the 10% lotto cut.
Instead, make it be dependent on congress taxes.
0-10% lotto tax.
This is a benefit for both lotto players and congressmen and players in general as that money could contribute into bonuses.
I would like to add that you should make an exception on lottos like 450m because they would raise the congress finances by a lot.
Gambling tax would also be interesting. But it could be avoided by using counterfeit chips.
Add new item Chips. These chips can be obtained at the Casino Bank.
We give an amount of dollars in exchange for chips, after, we can exchange our chips and potentially the won chips for money.
The gambling tax would be applied when we would exchange normal chips for money.
When you finish your epsilon artifact mission, part of the locator item stays in your hand (the tiny antenna).
I don't know what causes the bug because it happens every time.
Yea and they should also add a drug stash where would safely store illegal drugs
6.3.2025Can you add an island a bit far, south of Los Santos? Some years ago there was an island added during April fool's, the "kick island". Because anyone that got onto it got kicked for cheats.
Everyone was amazed back then, there were boat tours, heli tours. It was just fun even though that island was just some rocks.
Can you please add something similar, with maybe a bar and a dance challenge and some fireplaces?
50k social support compensates for more taxes than you spend. Eitherway certain jobs and gangs are way too OP. If you want to earn your taxed cash back, join congress. That's all I can help you with.
And being targeted by cfinders all day long isn't fun either, so I don't think you really understand out situation as congressmen
Can you arrange /titles and /stats on alphabetical order? Its sometimes hard to find some.
Just like /jobs or /locatecar
Hello, my selling post got deleted may I know what I did wrong? So I don't repeat it again. Thx in advance
4.3.2025Allow custom radio to be played in houses / offices.
Add radio to drug base and remove the current music.
Block entry to players who join from R1 or outdated client versions (less cheaters)
Maybe they should add an interior to City Halls and we should be able to vote in there. Also they should remove the vans completely as they cause chaos and deathmating
The city hall could have the interior of the building where the Caligula's plans are held.
Registrován: 9.12.2020
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