I don't think that you're naïve enough to know that creating multiple account is forbidden ? Also, about the server reconnecting issue then that is cause to due Attacks on server. So, instead of creating the thread after getting banned you should've have created it first instead of making alternate account. Your Unban date is today that means you still have to wait for this 19th June to End. Logically until 00.00 of server time which eventually makes it 20th June. This can be counted as Ban Evasion + Multiple accounts. //Edit - Seems like you are a Stranger things Fan. :P
19.6.2022You have used word 'Trash' against the other player. So it's counted as defaming others and you were muted correctly.
Most of the words which are directed towards other players are mutable just like Trash, kid, Noob.
From the Owner - So its not just for you but we too, and the quoted text explains the reason for the lag.
5.6.2022You havent seen more of it lol.
That was just top of iceberg, there is lot toxicity under.
Next time as mentioned above by Helper report them to online admins or in player reports.
No need to make separate thread.
You could have just messaged an Admin or helper for this, there was no need to make threads for such simple 2 word questions. Unless you want to farm XP.
31.5.2022Virus must be Hot :P too.
Installing an Anti virus is good Idea if you don't have any for now.
The witness protection money which gets deducted from the killer should be credited into the account of the player who has been killed.
26.5.2022Hi, have you Upgraded your Ethernet/ Lan Driver ?
Also is the speed good on while using Youtube ?
Why only you and some of the Admins find such votings as non sensical and most of you don't ?
He did made it a Yes or No voting and such votings have been made earlier too.
And hardly anyone cancelled it, but it just few Admins who look for sense in the votings.
Voting should be Yes and No type and it must not include political, religious debate.
Also, it's better to find sense in other things rather than in votings which follows Yes n No format and does not include other stuff, life would be much more better.
Hey you can do that by clicking on Link option given below Input field. [*url=https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/profile/minerva/ *]Minerva's Profile Make sure to remove the *. //Minerva: LoryMK got a better Answer and its simpler than mine. You can use that way too.
21.5.2022First of all, VPNs aren't allowed on the Game servers. If you want to purchase games on playstore you should use VPN for just playing those games and you should remember to never login on Web or Game servers with VPN being active as you will get ban. There's no way to disable web account unless and ofcourse if you do something horrible. Just avoid using this 2nd Web account forever and unlink any game account connected to this. Next time just drop a message on support mail - Info@gta-multiplayer.cz
17.5.2022No, every garage has just single slot and it can save only 1 car, those 3 red markers are just for parking.
It doesn't mean that you can save 3 vehicles in those 3 red markers it's just for players to park their vehicles to save em.
You should call Mors mutual Insurance from /phone > Mors Mutual Insurance to recover the last vehicle you saved.
Call it quickly to get back the last vehicles and also you have lost other 2 previous vehicles as they just got replaced one by one.
Sorry for your loss.
You have 24 hours to claim the insured vehicle after losing it.
Next time while in game make sure to type /park and read it to understand.
Its a Shame that you have around of gaming time on our servers. And you didn't knew that /sell and /buy existed. It would have been better if you had taken some time to learn about the existing commands on server. But anyways wait for an Admin to reply.
14.5.2022Click on this. And Choose the S3 Server and click on Forget Password and you will receive a Dummy text password on your Email, Make sure to check Spam folder of Mail in case you didn't receive the password. Then enter it into game after login type /password and set new password.
13.5.2022Hi i recently got a notification that i lost around 625Xp for Deleting a forum Post,
But as far i remember i haven't added anything which broke rules i don't even know if i posted anything.
Can you let me know why I lost this XP.
Thank You
Honestly you could just asked this question in the Main chat and People would have helped you, But nvm as for now I will tell you about finding the Newspaper Stand. You can find News paper stand at the LSPD at the office 11, they are near the Sidewalk in Red or Green colour and you might not see them sometimes as they can be destroyed. But still you can access them by standing near it and Pressing LALT to read them and in that you may find Info related to newspaper event. You need to know exact timings of Event. For more info read the blog created by helper Kazuha -- Newspaper Events
1.5.2022Registrován: 14.1.2021
Přihlášen: 1.11.2023