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Menamizwut Komentátor
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Menamizwut 15:13
No, I stopped, but my loyal followers still keep it alive in my memory

Someone has to pick up the slack...
Menamizwut napsal komentář k Billboards purchased - S3 02:41
Omg is this capitalism?
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Menamizwut 02:39
Heli blading
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele zStarGore 02:38
Are you pumped for GTA IV? Do you have a console?
Menamizwut dosáhnul levelu 67 02:34
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Osama4 02:34
bin laden
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Menamizwut 18:47
That sounds concerning

Who dis?
Menamizwut napsal komentář k Dancing on FiveM 23:56
peak gaming
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Menamizwut 23:54
Nice one. When was the last time you showered?
Menamizwut napsal na zeď uživatele Menamizwut 13:25
As for the lost xp, I couldn't care less. 25xp, 100xp, 2500xp, a trillion xp, who gives a shit?...

Zeď (1145)

Menamizwut Komentátor Level 67 16.12.2024 15:13
No, I stopped, but my loyal followers still keep it alive in my memory

Someone has to pick up the slack after I retired my wings
Vectorian Level 32 16.12.2024 14:07
still heli blading even after you left?
Menamizwut Komentátor Level 67 16.12.2024 02:39
Heli blading
LaZerDance Žoldák Level 53 5.12.2024 22:08
Blade heli girlelon9
Menamizwut Komentátor Level 67 28.11.2024 18:47
That sounds concerning

Who dis?
MaievWarden Fotograf Level 57 28.11.2024 09:52
Yk when im shitfaced on some random bar or club i think of u sometimes
Menamizwut Komentátor Level 67 27.11.2024 23:54
Nice one. When was the last time you showered?
celldweller2066 Snaživec Level 66 16.11.2024 21:34
You're so full of shit lol.
I have never seen such a blatant display of hipocrisy before, not on gaming communities, not even in general.
They were kind of right to ban you from Discord official back then, I was just way too uninterested in the matter to notice. You got some issues lmao bye
TecHDuDe Pravá ruka Level 85 17.9.2024 20:04
Yeah I know right 😂 glad you took it in a positive way 😄
Menamizwut Komentátor Level 67 8.9.2024 13:25
As for the lost xp, I couldn't care less. 25xp, 100xp, 2500xp, a trillion xp, who gives a shit? It's all the same
Ukázat komentáře 11-20 z 1145

O uživateli Menamizwut:

Well, I ain't playing this bootleg shit no mo.
Thank you kindly for wasting my time.


For R* related stuff, you can find me @ https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Menamizwut... (více)

Registrován: 24.3.2021

Přihlášen: 21.12.2024

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