Note mental state got risen by that again that im getting seizures so additional 200K or so to remove that would be nioce
17.8.2023I killed somone in the minigame called Dogfight. Got 3 for gang violance and then 500K around in withness protection fees Note: I tried to rollback record that didnt work so i took a screenshot that i have wanted level in the minigame.
17.8.2023Remove this pshycotic episode BS liturally no-one asked for it. You get a pis yellow color that blocks 90% of ye vision and remove 50% of ye health. Isnt it enough we cant do 50% of the jobs. Weapons are epensive as hell we cant call marrywehater why the piss effect? This is also the update i left FiveM2 Remove this thing ongod
20.4.2023Please make a /set that will disable / enable Auto Weapon Pickup and a hotkey for it
Cause i dont need a combat shotgun if i main only tac9 or Chainsaw. When i kill people i tend to get upto 4-5 diffrent weapons that i dont use.
huge lagg for past 1-2 hrs for all players its unabareble i have normally 0% pl now 2.3 so is everyone please restart the server (S2)
7.4.2023Adding a license plate or other way to identify which vehicle u have in the mechanic screen. Cause i have a FBI Truck and Car and they are next to each other. so 9/10 times i accidently order the slow truck
14.3.2023Please add a faster cop car. hear me out. There are 746 vehicles in the game with a cop car going 109.25 mph (175.82 km/h) The slowest super car (Bullet) goes 124.64 mph 199.5587 (km/h) thus making all the super cars faster. (wich is a total of 52 supercars) Also of the sports cars 72 ( <-Estamated numbers due to body-kit cars being a separate entity) 55 of em are faster. So from the 746 vehicles (This is if u count airplanes boats and all other vehicles) only a small percentage is actually plausibly to keep up. id recommend adding a sports / supercar that be getting unlocked at a higher cop level. Something like a Shafter V-12 124.25 miles per hour. or some other faster car.
14.3.2023Hey i wanted to send a email with my picture i send it only thing is i just noticed the file got corrupted from my phone to my pc. Should i resend the email but with a picture that actually works or wait for the 3 days to get a pm back from the admin hosting it?
10.12.2022add /siren cause its hard to turn it off with high fps (even with fps limiter on 20 - 90)
29.11.2022Add ability to put shorts on the web from yt.
I have this clip which i wanted to upload (Put it here as example)
The link looks like:
When u throw a pizza in pizza job ur controls get locked in place. Idk if its intentional with the though that you cant throw a pizza and steer cause u have one hand. But if thats the case why can se shift gears without locking steering of a car and why can we point middlefingers without the bike steer getting locked?
26.10.2022Would love to see a job outfit for pizza boy. With jeans a permenent helmet (with visor) and one of those cheap iconic plastic bag jackets (see image)
26.10.2022Polce DB hack doesnt reveal all cops locations on minimap.
I had this with xPlayer and Danizwich (sorry i butchered the name).
Please remove assasination CEO and Congressman. S3 has 25 playerbase in the morning hours till 12:00. these 2 types are unfindable
24.10.2022I didnt got my money from the contets of trashcans / trashbins
22.10.2022. First i see you are online. Then i message you. Didnt respond directly. I check which users are online "There wasent any admin" i go back to your profile it says "Offline". So i make a post here. After +/- 15 min go back and check my contest stats. i see you have responded. Wich was in the matter of fact after i made this post. I am alot but not a liar thanks. I made this here cause it blocks gameplay mechanics and want to have it resolved asap.
21.10.2022No npc cars spawn. I tried messagign R3dfield but he just went offline...
21.10.2022I have smooth gameplay outside of warehouse but in warehouse i crap out like 20 fps (Sometimes lower) this started happening like 6/7 days ago
20.10.2022Registrován: 30.4.2018
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