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MediumStare Filmař

Příspěvky na fóru (68)

Player Report 14.6.2024
Players from GTA-MULTIPLAYER.CZ 2024

Ill be there


Note mental state got risen by that again that im getting seizures so additional 200K or so to remove that would be nioce


I killed somone in the minigame called Dogfight. Got 3 for gang violance and then 500K around in withness protection fees https://i.imgur.com/6XnQS3u.png Note: I tried to rollback record that didnt work so i took a screenshot that i have wanted level in the minigame.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Remove this pshycotic episode BS liturally no-one asked for it. You get a pis yellow color that blocks 90% of ye vision and remove 50% of ye health. Isnt it enough we cant do 50% of the jobs. Weapons are epensive as hell we cant call marrywehater why the piss effect? This is also the update i left FiveM2 Remove this thing ongod

Suggestions on SA-MP

Please make a /set that will disable / enable Auto Weapon Pickup and a hotkey for it
Cause i dont need a combat shotgun if i main only tac9 or Chainsaw. When i kill people i tend to get upto 4-5 diffrent weapons that i dont use.

Bug reports on SA-MP

huge lagg for past 1-2 hrs for all players its unabareble i have normally 0% pl now 2.3 so is everyone please restart the server (S2)

Suggestions on FiveM

Adding a license plate or other way to identify which vehicle u have in the mechanic screen. Cause i have a FBI Truck and Car and they are next to each other. so 9/10 times i accidently order the slow truck

Suggestions on FiveM

Please add a faster cop car. hear me out. There are 746 vehicles in the game with a cop car going 109.25 mph (175.82 km/h) The slowest super car (Bullet) goes 124.64 mph 199.5587 (km/h) thus making all the super cars faster. (wich is a total of 52 supercars) Also of the sports cars 72 ( <-Estamated numbers due to body-kit cars being a separate entity) 55 of em are faster. So from the 746 vehicles (This is if u count airplanes boats and all other vehicles) only a small percentage is actually plausibly to keep up. id recommend adding a sports / supercar that be getting unlocked at a higher cop level. Something like a Shafter V-12 124.25 miles per hour. or some other faster car.

Need help

Hey i wanted to send a email with my picture i send it only thing is i just noticed the file got corrupted from my phone to my pc. Should i resend the email but with a picture that actually works or wait for the 3 days to get a pm back from the admin hosting it?

Suggestions on SA-MP

add /siren cause its hard to turn it off with high fps (even with fps limiter on 20 - 90)

Suggestions on web

Add ability to put shorts on the web from yt.
I have this clip which i wanted to upload (Put it here as example)
The link looks like: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zS0G--X_yOU

Bug reports on FiveM

When u throw a pizza in pizza job ur controls get locked in place. Idk if its intentional with the though that you cant throw a pizza and steer cause u have one hand. But if thats the case why can se shift gears without locking steering of a car and why can we point middlefingers without the bike steer getting locked?

Suggestions on FiveM

Would love to see a job outfit for pizza boy. With jeans a permenent helmet (with visor) and one of those cheap iconic plastic bag jackets (see image) https://i.imgur.com/PSCnhpK.png

Bug reports on SA-MP

Polce DB hack doesnt reveal all cops locations on minimap.
I had this with xPlayer and Danizwich (sorry i butchered the name).

Suggestions on SA-MP

Please remove assasination CEO and Congressman. S3 has 25 playerbase in the morning hours till 12:00. these 2 types are unfindable

Didnt got my stuff from contest

I didnt got my money from the contets of trashcans / trashbins

Can someone reboot the server.

. First i see you are online. Then i message you. Didnt respond directly. I check which users are online "There wasent any admin" i go back to your profile it says "Offline". So i make a post here. After +/- 15 min go back and check my contest stats. i see you have responded. Wich was in the matter of fact after i made this post. I am alot but not a liar thanks. I made this here cause it blocks gameplay mechanics and want to have it resolved asap.

Can someone reboot the server.

No npc cars spawn. I tried messagign R3dfield but he just went offline... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V6Gz3RxbRw

Bug reports on FiveM

I have smooth gameplay outside of warehouse but in warehouse i crap out like 20 fps (Sometimes lower) this started happening like 6/7 days ago

1 2 3 4

O uživateli MediumStare:

San andreas most toxic copper.
Avarage Rustler Pilot
Jelic's Adopted Son

Registrován: 30.4.2018

Přihlášen: Před 6 hodinami

Nedávno hrál

Před 6 hodinami - Hrál 15 minut
Před 8 měsíci - Hrál 3 hodiny a 10 minut

Nejvíce hrál

1914 hodin a 15 minut
345 hodin a 10 minut

Nedávné achievementy

Získat 10 přátel Splněno 8.1.2024
Přidat video s 500 zhlédnutími Splněno 29.4.2023
Napsat 50 příspěvků na zeď Splněno 4.12.2022