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Veselý svátek Svatého Patrika všem hráčům!
LoryMK Administrátor Zkušený hráč

Příspěvky na fóru (478)


Solved in PMs, player has been unmuted.

Unban confess

Sorry, but confessing is too late now, it had to be done earlier...

Also, there's no need to add up excuses especially if they're lies. You were caught using it in an event too and the fact that "others in gangs use it too" doesn't cover it up in that case.

Just be clean when you come back.

Why did i get banned?

The fact you get banned in a moment when you're doing nothing doesn't mean we didn't watch you before when you least expected it. I caught you using multiple cheats, if you had confessed which ones you used your ban would have been lifted, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Unban rules

Bug reports on SA-MP

Because the stats about minigames and events partecipated were added after the win counter. It was wins and defeats before.

Show your self off.


Show your self off.

19, 20 this year. I was still 18 there

Show your self off.

https://i.imgur.com/FvbDfZt.png 2024

Show off your pc setup

Nothing much, just a humble GTX 1060. Never really used it anyway https://i.imgur.com/72s7fzX.jpeg

my orgnation got glitched cuz of role back

The glitch has already been fixed and the 4 abusers have been permanently banned.

Player report

Hello, we're already aware of the issue, this is being discussed. However thank you for the report.

Player report: bug abusing

Hello, we're already aware of the issue, this is being discussed. However thank you for the report.

Show off your Gaming Setup!

Show off your pc setup unlocked

Why i randomly logout from my account (web)

Sometimes it occurs to me, I simply log in again and you can do that too, I don't think it's such a big deal

Banned for 'cheating' on WTLS2

From the evidence provided by Angelo, I can confirm you were gaining unfair advantages during that race. You also mentioned you are using modifications and they're probably the cause of this and it's even mentioned in /rules that modifying your game is not allowed and that it's at your own risk.
In conclusion, you got banned. It doesn't matter if you were aware or not about having an unfair advantage against your opponents, but I recommend you either way to remove your modifications when you come back to prevent another ban.

a question

Silent has already answered you on this one, the post is over 6 years old and it's obviously a bit outdated. But if you don't want nor care to read the answers we provided, because clearly the purpose for which you created this thread is just to say that the anticheat is weak and unreliable, we can end the discussion here.

a question

Most of the people who play here forget one important thing: this is SA-MP, a very outdated and limited platform. The anticheat we have here is already well-performing if we compare it to other SA-MP servers which let hundreds of players cheat everyday. Also, if a cheater doesn't get banned by the anticheat, that surely doesn't mean the anticheat isn't tracking them. Obviously we can see way more things than you do, rather than just kicks in the chat.



Refund premium account

It's not possible, sorry

One question

That's only related to web credentials. If you want to change your in-game password, you can use /password command.

help for applying team helper

That's not true, you were banned on 12th October 2022.

1 2 3 4 5... 24

O uživateli LoryMK:

19yo, Italy

Player: 05/10/2018
Helper: 06/06/2019
Helper: 09/09/2020
Moderator: 04/04/2022
Administrator: 23/09/2022
Player: 30/09/2023 (REQUESTED)

- has left the... (více)

Registrován: 13.10.2018

Přihlášen: Před 2 hodinami

Nedávno hrál

Před 6 hodinami - Hrál 1 hodinu a 25 minut
Před 2 lety - Hrál 10 minut

Nejvíce hrál

7377 hodin a 35 minut
39 hodin a 50 minut

Nedávné achievementy

Koupit 100 losů v loterii Splněno 1.3.2025
Koupit 50 losů v loterii Splněno 1.3.2025
Koupit 10 losů v loterii Splněno 1.3.2025