Hello TheArk :
can you Explain the problem , you are banned and want buy unban?Explain.....
you can buy unban from Game Shop.
Hello Morched23MJ :
i know where is the problem try to Fix your network and can you Explain more where do you Live and your network it's good or not .....
Hello arza311:
First 'ItsGenius' stop spam the thread and stop swearing because you know result of that , then arza311 wait 50minutes and back and try to take screenshots about players abuseing .
Hello Z3FT :
go look here if you are banned or not ''http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/edit-profile/?item=link-account'' maybe today wait at 12:01 and see , wait replay admins can know where is the problem .
Hello WhyMyComputer :
look here ''http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/edit-profile/?item=link-account'' if you are banned or not , and try to back your old account ''reconvery e-mail''.
Hello LiTmeDown :
tell your Friends play in thier home better then use your IP adress , and if you join with another accounts you will be banned (ban evad) . wait admin replay about your IP adress .
Hello BlackRose :
Explain more and tell where is problem and try to Contact with niCe he can know where is the problem .
Hello Kewe :
yes me too when i join TDM minigun with zoNda i got kicked every time he have Aimbot 100% wait admin replay and try to record him .
Th3Hunter stop spam or you'll banned too on web , wait 30days or buy unban from game shop.
17.6.2016Hello MrHamza :
i think maybe you will got back your 1:50 USD you need wait replay admin he can do somethings.
Th3Hunter , now you see the proof from BLADE and your accounts will delete :-( good bye see you
17.6.2016Hey , try to contact with niCe about this or any administrator he will know where is the problem.
16.6.2016Registrován: 29.8.2013
Přihlášen: 4.1.2017