Game Account Name: 5O5 Reason for ban: creating account for other players Server:all belevie me i didint knew i will get banned for 3 months only for creating account to my friends i didint even knew thats not allowed even if u guys dont want to unban me at least lift it a bit beacuase 3months for this its a lot all what i wanted was my friends playing with me in s4 or s1. i didnt take any money from doing that i just did it so i can enjoy playing with friends
1.12.2024yea dont comment again please i did it cause the post for admin got bugged thats all .
23.11.2024im getting a lot of kicks for lag while im not even lagging
i see the ping is good and players dosent complain when i fight with them
Buying S4
any colored park ranger pm me on web or in game
got same name
i got banned by server
reasone : Reapetead connections
sever:WLTS 4
idk why i got this ban and this reasone exactly its treu i been recconectiong alot but i didnt knew this ban exist
Registrován: 24.11.2023
Přihlášen: Před 10 hodinami
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