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The commands guide - FiveM

The Player Guide
ShinchanNohara ShinchanNohara 24.10.2023
Greetings Everyone!
In this guide, you will get to know all the WTLS FiveM commands that can be used in-game. Make sure to like, share to your friends and share your opinion about this blog post in comment section.

Commands for new players:
These commands are especially for new players, to give them an idea about what our server can offer.

/help: This is the command that displays all the features available on our server. This will give you some information about those

/commands: This command shows you some commands that are frequently used by players.

/rules: This command displays you our community rules.

/about: It shows you a list of the most important features that our server consists of.

/server: Shows you some server statistics.

/earn: This command shows you all the possible ways to earn in-game money.

/website: Displays the link for the server’s website which you are on right now! On this website you can discuss issues on Forums, create a vote, view player’s pages and more.

/link: This command gives you information about how to link your account with your web account on GTA-MULTIPLAYER.CZ so that your statistics gets recorded and you won't lose your account even if you don't play for a long time.

/name: It allows you to change your in-game name (can be used only once each 100 gaming hours).

/password: It opens a dialog box where you can change your in-game password.

/news: This command shows you some of the updates that were implemented in our FiveM servers.

/bonuses: Shows the activites that has current bonus payouts.

Premium command:
These are some perks you get as a Premium player. Buy premium account either from in-game /shop > Premium Account using tokens and Reputation points or from /website > Game shop > Premium Account using your web-money.

/auction: It allows you to auction an item of your choice for the whole server to buy. You can even choose the starting price. Other players will be able to make a /bid if they are interested in your item.

/auctioninfo: To view what item is being auctioned and last bid amount.

/poll: It allows you to create a YES/NO vote for the whole server to take part in. Others can use the /yes or /no commands to voice their opinion.

/hide: It allows you to hide from the map. You can also choose to hide apart from friends, friends and organization members or from everyone.

/color: It allows you to change your name color, You can choose between 21 colors.

/eventvote: It allows you to vote for the upcoming event.

/countdown: It allows you to start a 3 seconds countdown timer.

/highlight <ID>: You can use this command to highlight any non-hidden player on your map.

General commands:
These commands are usually used by most of the players.

/credits: Displays list of developers and beta testers who highly put effort into making this project along with the version.

/report: Report any player using this format to the online administrators :- /report <ID> <REASON>

/stats, /s, /info: Displays all of your gaming statistics.

/phone: Opens your phone.

/menu: This command opens your Interaction menu.

/jobs: This command shows all the jobs that we have on our server and some information about that specific job.

/job: Used to start a job, while sitting inside the job vehicle.

/quitjob: Quits your current job.

/cancelmission: Cancels your current mission.

/shop: Displays a list of the items that can be bought using your web-money.

/rpshop: Displays a list of the items that you can exchange it using your Reputation Points.

/purchased: It shows some items bought from /shop or /rpshop and the expiring date of limited stuff (such as premium account or armour in house).

/premium: It shows all premium account benefits and the expiring date of your premium membership.

/achievements: It shows your Completed achievements, Uncompleted achievements and Achievements to complete.

/settings: Displays some of your account settings that can be changed.

/bid <AMOUNT>: This command is used to bid for an item that's on the auction.

/player, /player <ID>: Displays a summary of basic player information.

/admins: Shows you online administrators.

/helpers: Shows you online helpers.

/newbies: Displays the name of all players with under 50 hours of gaming time.

/id or /getid: Shows you a specific player's ID.

/cops, /police: Shows you the online Police officers and their rank along with their skills.

/lawyers: Shows you the online Lawyers and their current location.

/taxis: Shows you the online Taxi drivers and their current location.

/paramedics: Shows you the online paramedics and their current location.

/top: Shows players who have best statistics on the server.

/animations, /anims: Your character can perform certain cool animations. The list of all possible animations can be seen here. (Note:- each animation has its own unique command).

/speech: Your character can also speak few phrases. The list of all possible speeches can be seen here. (Note:- each speech has its own unique command).

/afk: Shows you the players that are AFK(Away From Keyboard).

/activity: A server protocol to verify your gaming activity.

/givecash: To send your money to an online player ( use /givecash <ID> <Amount> )

/bounties, /hits: Displays all players with bounty on them.

/fish, /fishing: To start fishing near a water surface.

/wind: Displays the wind direction. If you are located in wind direction, animals can smell you on larger scale.

/snow: Toogles the snow-fall.

/battlepass, /bp: Shows you the brief information about the rewards you will get when you reach a certain Tier.

Friends commands:
Commands that can used to add friend, remove friend, view friendlist, view online friends, chat in friends-chat.

/friend <ID> : To add a player in your /friendlist.

/friendlist: This will show you your friends list.

/friends: Shows you your online friends.

/friendchat <TEXT>, /f<TEXT> : A special space to communicate with your /friends.

/removefriend <ID> : To remove someone from your /friendlist.

Chat commands:
Communication in games has been a major part of gameplay. The following commands can be used while interacting with other players.

/pm <ID> <TEXT>, /m <ID> <TEXT>, /message <ID> <TEXT>: This command is used to send a message to a player privately.

/re <TEXT>: To send a fast reply to the last user who messaged you.

/local <TEXT>, /l <TEXT>: It sends a message to nearby players.

/team <ETXT>, !<TEXT>: This command is used to send a message in the Team chat.

/oc <TEXT>: It sends a message to Organization chat as a normal member.

/ceosay <TEXT>: It sends a message to Organization chat as the CEO.

/ignore: It blocks messages from a specific player for short period of time.

/block <ID>: This command blocks a player's messages.

/blocked: Displays the name of all the players you have blocked.

/removeblocked <ID>: Unblocks a player from your /blocked list.

/voicechatplayers: Displays you the players who have the voice-chat feature enabled.

Vehicle commands:
These commands allow you to control your car, preview a vehicle color and view your vehicle's saved location.

/lock: Locks your vehicle for all players.

/unlock: Unlocks your vehicle for all player (You can use it with ID then it will unlock vehicle for that specific player).

/carcolor: Ability to test vehicle color for 5 seconds.

/garages, /savedvehicles: It will show all the vehicles saved in the garages, houses, apartments, hangars and helipads.

Minigames and events commands:
By using these commands, you can join the currently held events / minigames.

To join the current event.

/eventinfo: Shows the basic information about the on-going event.

/eventplayers: Displays all the player names participating in the on-going event.

/contribute <AMOUNT>: To add a contribution the event budget.

/dm: To join the current deathmatch.

/tdm: To join the current team deathmatch.

/race: To join the current race minigame.

Gang commands:
Gangs are one of the most popular features on this server. Here are some commands related to gang activities.

/war, /attack: To attack other gangs hoods.

/gang: To display your gang members.

/gangs: Displays all the gang names with the number of online gang members.

Last but not the least, I request all SAMP players to check out our FiveM server. There are tons of features that aren't in SAMP servers.
Some are:
Pets : You can buy dogs from Pet shop. Also, your dogs are customizable.

Hunting animals : You can hunt animals and sell it's venison in 24/7 for in-game money.

Cable cars : Cable cars can be used to climb up Mount Chiliad.

Enhanced vehicle saving mechanism : Unlike SA-MP, on FiveM you can own unlimited number of vehicles - it only depends on how many houses, garages and apartments you own. And you can also save multiple vehicles in your houses, garages and apartments - 2 to 8, depending on garage size.

Battlepass : You can buy Battlepass. You will be rewarded in-game money, gold bars, diamonds, exclusive office assistants, exclusive skins, exclusive cars and more. You just have to complete quests in-order to gain battle points. You will be rewarded these items when you reach certain tier.

And a lot more..

Make sure to visit our FiveM server once. You will not regret it.

Address of FiveM 2 : cfx.re/join/objpqy


A huge Thanks goes to Jin97 for helping me make this blog.

A special Thanks to xARC.

Komentáře (13)

Snazzinho Level 29 21.4.2024 17:31
that's a lot packed into the game
xPanda Zkušený hráč Level 59 18.4.2024 18:49
I'm still in friendlist yeeeeeeee
Christopher1 Level 60 24.11.2023 13:39
Me in friends list :3
ElectronicsPro Ilustrátor Level 85 29.10.2023 19:40
Where voucher code for GTA V :p
Moco Pařan Level 50 29.10.2023 06:31
Respect [cheers]
Arthur Legendární hráč Level 50 29.10.2023 05:02
nice job mate, big respect [cheers]
xMorpheus Mistr Level 68 27.10.2023 14:50
damn, that's so amazing
pro1 Vítěz Level 70 25.10.2023 21:33
gj shinnnnnn bro!
Edwards Administrátor Filmař Level 92 25.10.2023 19:24
Massive work, wish I could play fiveM [sad_frog]
xInVinCiBlE Zbožňovaný hráč Level 95 24.10.2023 17:42
Great work mate !
Ukázat komentáře 11-13 z 13

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